
BEP 62 – 說服 3: 滿意, 可視化和操作步驟

當你確定了需求之後, 然後你描述如果你的建議被接受的話未來的好處. This is the…

八月 19, 2007

BEP 60 – 說服 2: 建立需求

This is the second in a three-part Business English Pod series on presenting your ideas persuasively. In today's Business English…

八月 5, 2007

BEP 59 – 說服 1: 引起注意

In this three part Business English Pod series, we'll be studying Business English language and strategies for persuasion based on…

七月 29, 2007

BEP 48 – 陌生電話: 處理異議並結束通話

這是我們關於推銷電話的三部分商務英語播客系列的最後一個. In today's lesson, you'll learn how…

可能 16, 2007

BEP 47 – 陌生電話: 闡明利益並推銷

這是我們關於有用的電話和銷售技巧的三部分商務英語播客課程的第二部分: 冷呼叫.

可能 13, 2007

BEP 46 – 陌生電話: 取得良好的開端

Today's lesson is the first in a three-part Business English Pod series on cold calling, the skill of making unsolicited…

可能 9, 2007