BEP 43 – 會議英語: 管理討論

This is the second in our two-part intermediate 商務英語播客 series on opening and managing 用英語開會. 在第一集中, we looked at how to open a meeting. In today’s podcast lesson we’re going to cover how to manage the discussion.

馬丁, the GM of Daneline Singapore, is discussing with his staff how to make up a budget shortfall. He has just asked Sandra to kick off the first item on the agendaoutsourcing the cleaning.


1) How much money can Daneline Singapore save by outsourcing cleaning?
2) Does Sam like pizza?
3) Does Dave agree with the strategy of outsourcing cleaning?
4) How does Dave suggest dealing with the brochure redesign?

*** 這節課是我們的一部分 商務英語電子書 會議: 會議要點. 高級會員 點擊這裡下載 完整的電子書.

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BEP 42 – 會議英語: 開會

This is the first in a two-part intermediate 商務英語播客課程 on opening and managing meetings. 在這一集, we’ll look at how to open a meeting. In the second part (BEP 43) we’ll look at language you can use to manage the discussion.

The listening takes place in the Singapore offices of Daneline, an international shipping company. 馬丁, the GM, is chairing a meeting with Sandra, David and Sam to discuss a budget shortfall. Shortfall means their budget has fallen short of expectations. 換句話說, they don’t have enough money, so they need to make some cuts. To chair a meeting is to lead the meeting. We can say that Martin is the chairperson. So in these two episodes on opening and managing meetings, you’ll be learning language for chairing meetings.

1) What is the amount of the budget shortfall?
2) Why doesn’t Sandra have a copy of the agenda?
3) How many possible cuts are under discussion?
4) What is the first item on the agenda?

*** 這節課是我們的一部分 商務英語電子書 會議: 會議要點. 高級會員 點擊這裡下載 完整的電子書.

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BEP 35 – 會議: 用英語澄清含義

BEP 34, 我們討論了澄清所說的話 , 例如, “你剛剛說什麼? 我沒聽清楚。”

在今天的 商務英語播客課程, 我們將澄清其含義, 例如, “你是什​​麼意思?” 或者 “我想說的是…” 澄清含義是所有溝通的重要組成部分,因為它有助於我們避免誤解.

*** 這節課是我們的一部分 商務英語電子書 會議: 會議要點. 高級會員 點擊這裡下載 完整的電子書.

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BEP 34 – 會議: 澄清所說的話

這是兩部分中的第一部分 商務英語播客 澄清系列. 澄清的意思是說清楚.

今天我們將學習一些短語和技巧來澄清所說的內容. 例如, “我不太明白. 你能再說一次嗎?” 當您聽不清楚或某人說話太快時,這很有用. 然後, 在第二個播客中 (BEP 35), 我們將研究語言以澄清其意義, 例如 “你到底是什麼意思?”

今天聽的是一家船公司的. 您會聽到鹿特丹的 Wim Zeldenhuis 和 Andre De Vries 給波士頓的美國同事 Benny McClenahan 打電話.

*** 這節課是我們的一部分 商務英語電子書 會議: 會議要點. 高級會員 點擊這裡下載 完整的電子書.

Members: PDF Transcript | Online Practice | PhraseCast | Lesson Module

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BEP 32 – 會議: 集思廣益 & 討論想法

New versions of this lesson are available here:
BEP 32 A – English for Discussing Solutions to a Problem (1)
BEP 32 B – English for Discussing Solutions to a Problem (2)

In this Business English Podcast lesson we take another look at the language used to suggest and discuss ideas in meetings and teleconferences. We’ll also provide further language for diplomatic disagreement and agreeing action points at the end of the meeting.

The teleconference is run by Jim as a type of meeting called a “Brainstorming” meeting, which is useful for gathering and openly discussing ideas as the format is more relaxed.

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