BEP 126 – 英語會議: 討論問題 (1)

召開會議的最常見原因之一就是解決問題. A meeting can be a great place to do this, because it is possible for a variety of people with different experiences and perspectives to work together to identify the problem and come up with possible solutions.

但, 雖然我們可能有合適的人參加會議, 該過程經常有缺陷,因為沒有明確地提出和回答一個問題: “問題是什麼?” So, in today’s episode we’re going to focus on how to define the problem through discussion and then restate the problem as a challenge. In the second part of this series, we’ll look at how to evaluate and eliminate suggestions and then agree on a plan of action.

We’ll be listening to Kathryn, the head of Human Resources at a medium-sized company, who is meeting with department heads to discuss a problem they’re having with low staff morale across all departments of the company. Morale is a word used to describe a general feeling or mood.

Kathryn wants everyone to consider possible hidden reasons for low morale at the company. We’ll see how she helps participants focus on breaking down the morale problem. 對話框開始時, Kathryn calls everyone to attention and begins the meeting.


1) What is the surface problem that Kathryn and the others can see?
2) What does the group decide is the true cause of this problem?
3) What is the challenge that the group faces at the end of the dialog?

*** 這節課是我們的一部分 商務英語電子書 會議: 會議要點. 高級會員 點擊這裡下載 完整的電子書.

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BEP 81 – 會議: 完成和行動要點

這個商務英語播客是我們新的預覽 聲音的 / 商務英語電子書 學習者和教師: 會議要點

Meeting Essentials 是一本全面的學習指南,介紹您有效和自信地參與商業活動所需的語言和技能 英語會議. 通過超過 4 小時的音頻課程隨時隨地學習, 使用詳細的 100 頁學習指南迴顧關鍵語言和技術, 包括每個播客課程的成績單, and practice useful phrases with the online activities.

It’s the end of a meeting, and everyone wants to go, but wait! We have one last thing to do: Action points. 那意味著: Tell everyone who is going to do what, and when. Having no clear action points is a number one reason meetings are unproductive.

所以在這一集中, we’ll study language we can use to assign work to people, and also some English phrases to finish off the meeting.

We’ll be listening in to a group of bank managers discuss how to deal with credit risk problems before a major year-end report to top management. They have already discussed and decided what to do, and now they need to finish the meeting. 當你聽, pay attention to how the boss, Lisa, gives action points to her team, 那是, reminds them of what they need to do.


1) When will Lisa’s team have their next round of meetings?
2) What duties does Lisa assign during the meeting, and to whom?

*** 這節課是我們的一部分 商務英語電子書 會議: 會議要點. 高級會員 點擊這裡下載 完整的電子書.

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BEP 70 – 合併: 突發壞消息

This is the first in a three-part Business English Pod series that explores the use of many different language techniques in the context of a merger. Today’s episode focuses on vague, diplomatic language and probing questions. Vague and diplomatic language was introduced in podcasts BEP 24, BEP 51 BEP 52, so you might wish to review those to refresh your memory.

此外, we’ll be covering probing questions, which we first looked at in BEP 64. To probe is to explore or investigate, so probing questions are used to gather more detailed and targeted information. And I should also point out that there are two speaking practices at the end of this podcastan action packed episode indeed.

For this series, we again visit our U.S.-based guitar manufacturer, which has a production plant in Costa Rica. 在這一集, we find out that the company is merging with a larger guitar manufacturer. To merge is to join together. When two companies join together, we call this amerger.

The new owners want to cut costs, which might mean cutting jobs. 所以, an important question in the mind of our old friend Jack iswho is going to be fired? We join Jack and his boss Jim, who meets Jack by chance in the hallway of the company headquarters.


1. Who will Jack be meeting with after his chat with Jim?
2. What city might the Costa Rican plant move to?
3. Why do the new owners want to move the factory out of Costa Rica?

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BEP 68 – 會議英語: 處理中斷

作為非英語母語者, 你可能經常發現自己處於這樣的情況: 您正在參加會議或電話會議, 有些參與者的母語是英語. 他們正在非常快速地互相交談, 他們使用一些慣用或難以理解的表達方式. 有人說了一些你不懂的話, 或者可能是不真實的或您強烈不同意的事情. 你應該打斷詢問他們的意思, 澄清, 修正 – 但你就是無法讓自己張開嘴. 你如何開始? 你如何打斷?

這就是今天的重點 商務英語播客課程. 我們將學習用於打斷、抵抗或停止打斷的有用語言和表達方式.

聆聽在 Strand Technologies 的內部會議上進行, 一家總部位於香港的便攜式電子設備 OEM, 主要是MP3和MP4播放器. OEM 代表「原始設備製造商」。它指的是製造其他公司的公司’ 為他們提供的產品. 在這次內部會議上, 三位參與者彼此都很了解,因此語言更加非正式和直接. 當你聽, 注意他們如何使用自信的語言來打斷對方,以使會議保持在正軌並更快地達成積極結果.


1) 當比爾說他們面臨「瓶頸」時,他的意思是什麼??」 瓶頸是什麼?
2) 為什麼比爾不能重新訓練他擁有的工程師?
3) 梅琳對加速招募進度有何建議?

*** 這節課是我們的一部分 商務英語電子書 會議: 會議要點. 高級會員 點擊這裡下載 完整的電子書.

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BEP 61 – 商務會議中的美國體育習語

This is the first in a series of Business English Practice Pods that review and extend the language that is covered in the regular podcast. Practice pod dialogs will revise key language but in different situations. 也, they give you more opportunities to practice what you’ve learned.

We’ll hear several idioms from 體育慣用語 1 (BEP 57) 和 2 (BEP 58) being used in a new context in today’s dialog:

to play ball
to stall for time
to keep/have one’s eye on the ball
to step up to the plate

We’ll see how these idioms are useful in a different context, a business meeting. After the dialog, we’ll hear some further example phrases and then have a chance to practice using these idioms. 仁, Ken and Ryan of Ambient are in a marketing meeting discussing Accent’s recent buyout of Telstar.

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