BEP 119 – 打電話: 預約

在此商務英語播客中, 我們將研究電話預約中使用的語言.

我們生活在遠程通訊時代: 電話會議, 視頻會議, 和在線會議. 越來越多的團隊努力正在遠距離完成. 理論上, 至少, 可以不離開我們的辦公桌而與世界上任何人緊密合作. 不過, 面對面會議有些事情是虛擬會議無法替代的. 我們仍然需要與人們握手, 閱讀他們的肢體語言, 並建立個人聯繫. 這就是為什麼 – 即使在今天 – 電話最常見的用途之一就是預約. 在這一集, 我們將仔細研究通過電話進行約會.

戈登·奈特(Gordon Knight)為布里奇沃特(Bridgewater)工作, 美國. 養老保險基金. (養老基金是投資退休儲蓄的機構。) 在最近的會議上, 高登認識葉P, 所羅門克萊德亞洲市場辦事處高級金融分析師. 所羅門是一家精品店 – 或小而專業 – 僅與機構客戶打交道的全球投資公司 – 非常大的客戶, 就像布里奇沃特. 現在, 戈登計劃在馬來西亞, 他打電話給潘妮(Penny)約好討論投資可能性.


1. 戈登何時何地會見潘妮?
2. 戈登什麼時候建議與潘妮會面?
3. 他為什麼要和Penny見面?
4. 他們什麼時候終於達成共識?

高級會員: 學習筆記 | 網路測驗 | 詞組轉換 | 課程模組

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BEP 96 – 社群: 商務餐

In most parts of the world, having lunch or dinner together is an important part of doing business. In places such as North America, eating meals is a way of building a relationship or celebrating a partnership. And in other cultures, such as China, much of the real work of making deals actually often gets done over the dinner table.

No matter where you are doing business, it’s important to be able to handle the basics of dining out. This includes ordering food, recommending dishes, proposing a toast, and paying for the check, among other things. These skills will be the focus of this episode.

在聆聽中, we continue to follow Mario and Francesca, who represent the Italian fashion company Viva, on their visit to the U.S. As planned, they are having dinner in Las Vegas with their distributor Adriana, who works at the American company Foxtrot. Bill, one of their new customers, has also joined them.

When the dialog begins, the group has already made some small talk and looked at the menu. Now they are ready to order.


1) Why doesn’t Francesca want to try thesteak tartare?”
2) How does Francesca signal that she’s ready to go back to the hotel?
3) Who pays for the meal?

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BEP 93 – 銷售英語: 接受訂單

在本商務英語Pod課程中, 我們將重點關注接受訂單的語言並討論標準術語, 例如交貨時間, 付款方式, 等等.

聽聽帶我們回拉斯維加斯的 Foxtrot 展廳. 你會記得, Foxtrot 是 Viva 的美國經銷商, 義大利服裝, 或服裝, 製造商. 比爾是一家連鎖百貨公司的採購員, 現在誰決定從 Viva 購買. Foxtrot 代表 Adrianne 和她的 Viva 搭檔, 馬裡奧, 與他討論比爾的命令.

在我們開始之前, 需要強調的是,這次談話並不是真正的談判, 而是交易的大部分內容已經達成一致的情況. 所以, 在這一集中, 我們將學習用於總結典型商業訂單術語的詞彙,以及用於管理客戶與供應商關係的短語, 例如,透過安撫客戶建立商譽.


1) 當他說, “我們的交貨窗口很窄,” 比爾的意思是什麼?
2) 退款一詞是指退還全部或部分費用, 或退回, 給買家. 比爾適合什麼情況 “嚴格退款?”
3) 比爾希望什麼時候進行第一次交貨, 以及為什麼?

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BEP 92 – 銷售英語: 特徵, 優點, 好處 (或FAB演示)

For today’s Business English Podcast lesson, we’re going to focus on theclassic salesapproach to selling products and services. This approach is based on explaining the features, attributes and benefits of your products using theFABtechnique.

The FAB technique is useful for people working in the manufacturing and retail tradeanyone who has to present products. 尤其, we’ll look at how this approach can be applied in the Merchandizing business. Merchandizing is the trade name for businesses involved in the design and manufacture of clothing and household items.

在對話方塊中, we rejoin Marco and Francesca on their trip to a fashion trade show in the U.S. Their company, Viva, has just created an exciting new line of clothes. With the help of their American partner, 狐步舞, they are hoping to get a couple big sales contracts with U.S. department stores.

The listening takes place in the Foxtrot showroom. We’ll hear Francesca speak to a potential customer, Bill, who is a buyer for Bancroft’s, a retail chain store that targets professional women.


1. What is the key feature of Viva’s fall colors this year? Can you name some of the colors?
2. Why is the Viva Professional line more expensive?
3. As described in the dialog, what are the main benefits of Viva’s clothing line?

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BEP 89 – 打電話: 安排

在本商務英語播客課程中,我們將探討用於處理商務訪問的實際細節的有用語言, 例如機場接送和餐廳或酒店預訂. 此外,我們還將通過展示靈活性並在電話中禮貌地做出回應,來練習建立和維持商譽的方法.

Viva是一家意大利時裝公司. Viva代表Marco和Francesca準備與其美國經銷商一起參加拉斯維加斯的時裝博覽會, 狐步舞. 一場時尚博覽會, 或博覽會, 是一種貿易展覽會或會議,潛在的購買者將目光投向製造商’ 產品.

在對話中,Marco打電話給他在Foxtrot的聯繫人Adriana討論訪問的細節. 聆聽時,請嘗試回答以下問題.


1) Adriana從Marco獲得什麼信息?
2) Marco需要什麼幫助?
3) Marco對酒店有什麼特殊要求嗎??
4) Marco希望吃哪種食物?

高級會員: 學習筆記 | 網路測驗 | 詞組轉換 | 課程模組

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