BEP 137 – 公司參觀: 帶訪客參觀

In today’s Business English Pod episode, we’re going to look at language for showing a visitor around your office or factory.

There are many reasons that someone might visit a factory and take a tour. They might be a prospective client who wants to see where the products are made, or perhaps someone from head office is on an inspection tour, or it could be an official inspection to make sure you are following government or internal standards. If it’s your job to give the tour, you’ll want to make sure everything goes smoothly. So in today’s episode we’ll looking at language for guiding people on a tour and pointing out areas of interest.

We’ll be listening to Ingrid taking Carl on a tour of a factory where GC cleaning products are produced. Carl is from the head office of GC and he’s inspecting the factory where Ingrid works. His job is to make sure that the company’s factories are all up to standard and capable of handling future orders. 對話框開始時, Carl has already arrived at the factory and met Ingrid, who is ready to start the tour.


1) What time of day does Carl arrive for his tour?
2) What is the problem with the detergent production line?
3) What role does newspaper play in the production of detergent in this factory?

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BEP 136 – 會議: 製作進度報告


所有經理都需要其員工的書面進度報告, 但經常需要在會議期間進行口頭進度報告. 口頭報告可以被認為是簡報和問答環節的結合.

做進度報告時, 您需要從專案的整體狀態開始, 然後繼續解釋工作已經完成了多少, 目前工作處於什麼階段, 還需要做什麼以及, 當然, 可能出現什麼問題. 因為格式是 “居住”, 人們可能會打斷提問或發表評論,當您進入會議時,您應該確定自己所講的事實.

我們將聽安吉拉, 她在公司的營運部門工作. 布萊恩 & 鈷. 他們計劃搬遷至新總部並進行裝修, 或準備, 他們的空間目前正在進行中. Angela參觀了新辦公室並與現場關鍵人員進行了交談. 對話框開始時, 她被要求口頭報告翻修的進展情況.


1) 安琪拉為這次會議做了哪些準備?
2) 威爾布萊恩 & 鈷. 能夠按計劃移動?
3) 布萊恩會去哪裡 & 鈷. 獲得資金來支付額外費用?

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BEP 135 – 旅遊英語: 機場安檢

In this Business English Pod lesson on business travel, we’ll be looking at how to deal with security checks.

In recent years getting through the security check at the airport has become a chore. In some cities, the whole process can take fifteen to twenty minutes or more. This includes standing in line, sending your bags through the X-ray machine, and walking through a metal detector, which “detects” or finds any metal you might have hidden on your body. Most security checks thus require passengers to take metal items out of their pockets and put them on a trayor flat containerto send through the X-ray machine. Some countriesnotably the United Statesmay even insist that passengers remove their coats and shoes.

And of course it’s not just airports that have high securitymore and more tourist attractions arebeefing up” or increasing their security too. So negotiating security checks is a good skill to practice.

在這一集, Honesto and Alan are on their way home. They arrive at the airport late, so they are anxious about missing their flight. When the dialog begins, they have checked in to get their boarding passes. Now they need to go through security.


1. At the beginning of the dialog, what does the security officer ask passengers to do?
2. What problem does security find with Alan’s baggage?
3. Alan has to leave an item behind at the security check. 它是什麼?

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BEP 134 – 旅遊英語: 在咖啡店上網

For many people, visiting a café or coffee shop is a normal part of business travel, if not everyday life. Not only are coffee shops a good place to get a cup of espresso, they are also a great location to have a quick meeting with a customer, take a short break, 和 – most importantly for the business travelerget online to check your email. Many cafés are now equipped with WiFi, or wireless internet. So while you sip on your latte or your mocha, you can surf the web and keep connected.

But despite people’s attempts to make WiFi services user-friendly, or easy to use, they are sometimes difficult to connect to. 那麼在這節課中, we’ll not only look at ordering coffee, we’ll also practice troubleshooting an internet connection.

對於今天的課程, we’ll be rejoining our friend Honesto as he stops by a coffee shop at the airport. We’ll hear to Honesto ordering a drink and attempting to connect to the café’s WiFi. 當你聽, 嘗試回答以下問題.


1) What kind of drink does Honesto order?
2) Whatdealdoes the coffee shop offer Honesto?
3) Why can’t he get online?

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BEP 128 – 打電話: 處理銷售電話

我們之前討論過如何通過電話與您認識的人進行約會 (BEP 119), 但是如果您還沒有遇到這個人或與他們建立關係呢?? 在今天的商務英語播客中, 我們將研究如何與潛在客戶聯繫,以及, 在線的另一端, 我們將研究可用於禮貌地拒絕信息諮詢或會議要求的語言.

我們在上一集中已經見過Viva Fashions的Mario. 現在,馬里奧(Mario)想與DeBourg Brands擁有的一系列美國商店的首席買家見面,但, 在此刻, 他甚至都不知道買家的名字. Mario is going to “cold call” the company and see if he can reach the buyer. 第一的, 他需要一個名字, 然後他需要嘗試與買家交談以進行預約.

聽力問題 – First Call:
1) 馬里奧採用什麼技術從瓊那裡獲取信息?
2) 您為什麼認為瓊同意幫助馬里奧?

聽力問題 – Second Call:
1) Why does Mario keep saying “thank you” instead of “please” after making a request?
2) 馬里奧在說明通話原因時使用哪種語言, 以及為什麼?
3) 在整個對話中, 馬里奧使用非正式語言來最小化他的要求. 你能舉幾個例子嗎?

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