BEP 170 – 與供應商會面 (部分 1)

這是關於與供應商會面的三部分商務英語播客課程中的第一部分, 或潛在供應商.

當您與供應商會面討論提案時, 部分是為了獲取信息,部分是為了談判更好的條款. 您可能會與幾個競標相同工作的供應商會面. 您希望確保您了解每個提案並對每個供應商的交付能力充滿信心. 您還希望在交易中獲得盡可能最好的條款. 然後您可以就誰應該獲得合約做出明智的決定.

在本課中, 我們將考慮使用探索性問題來挖掘更多信息, 透過詢問過去的經驗來確保供應商的專業知識, 提出引導性問題, 並確認訊息. 我們也將了解供應商如何嘗試解決客戶的擔憂.

在今天的對話中, 我們會聽到史蒂夫, 誰在一家公司工作,該公司想僱人為員工舉辦商務英語培訓課程. 史蒂夫正在與凱倫會面, 潛在供應商, 誰在 Lexis Training Solutions 工作.


1. 什麼是 Lexis 培訓解決方案’ 優勢?
2. 史蒂夫在這次會議上最​​關心的問題是什麼?
3. 為什麼凱倫說每個公司都是獨一無二的?

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BEP 152 – 傳壞消息: 裁員 (部分 2)


當員工被解僱時, 他們通常對接下來會發生什麼有疑問. 他們的最後一天是什麼時候? 他們可以期待什麼支持? 遣散費怎麼樣? 這種補償方案通常包括金錢和一些延伸福利, 但因公司而異,甚至因員工而異.

在本課中, 我們將介紹員工收到裁員通知後可以使用的語言. 我們將詳細解釋接下來會發生什麼以及如何解釋遣散費. 我們也將討論如何表達同理心並為下崗員工提供支持.

在最後一集中, 我們遇見了安吉拉, 度假村的經理和大衛, 薩帕塔餐廳的主廚, 度假村的一家餐廳即將關閉. 安吉拉告訴大衛他將被解僱. 現在他們將討論細節.


1. 說出大衛遣散費的兩個部分.
2. 大衛的健康保險會發生什麼變化?
3. 安吉拉如何幫助大衛尋找工作?

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BEP 151 – 傳壞消息: 裁員 (部分 1)


如果一個人得到 “下崗”, 這意味著他們將失去工作. 但這並不等於被解僱. 裁員通常是由於外在力量而發生. 經濟不景氣可能會導致公司裁員. 或者產業的變化可能會讓某些類型的工作變得不必要. 合併後, 可能會有裁員, 或重複. 兩個人可能從事相同類型的工作. 如果公司只需要一個人來擔任該職位, 另一個可能被解僱.

沒有人喜歡傳達壞消息. 關於裁員的談話可能會變得尷尬和情緒化. 那麼在這節課中, 我們將討論如何讓員工為壞消息做好準備,以便減輕震驚. 我們還將介紹如何切入主題以及如何應對憤怒或情緒化的員工. 最後, 我們將用一些語言來清楚地解釋裁員的原因.

安吉拉和大衛在一家遇到財務困難的飯店度假村工作. 安吉拉是薩帕塔餐廳的經理,大衛是主廚, 度假村的餐廳之一. 不幸, 安吉拉必須告訴大衛他被解雇了.


1. 管理層為何決定關閉 2 餐廳?
2. Zapata 供應什麼類型的食物?
3. 具體來說, 薩帕塔為什麼要關門?

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BEP 148 – 如何要求加薪 (2)

這是兩部分中的第二部分 Business English Pod series on how to ask for a pay raise.

Asking for a pay raise is a two-step process. Before any discussion of compensation begins, it’s important to state your case and demonstrate why you deserve a raise. Let your boss know of your achievements and your value to the company.

The second part involves negotiating. This is the time to start talking about specific numbers and benefits, but it must be handled diplomatically. You’ll need to outline what you want, acknowledge the other party’s concerns and bargain for the best deal.

在最後一集中, we listened to Ryan, a salesman at an industrial supply company called Pylon, present his case to his boss, Jacob. Ryan pointed out that his relationship with Alliance Builders brought in more sales overall. He also took on some web design work in addition to his sales duties. 現在, Ryan and Jacob are ready to start negotiating Ryan’s compensation.


1. How much does Ryan think he should receive for the web design work? 為什麼?
2. Why can’t Jacob give Ryan the amount of money he wants?
3. What do Jacob and Ryan agree to in regard to Alliance Builders?

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BEP 147 – 如何要求加薪 (1)

This is the first of a two-part Business English Pod series on how to ask for a pay raise.

Asking for a pay raise makes many people uncomfortable, but it’s most definitely to our benefit to make the effort.

Getting a raise is more than just asking, 儘管. Before the discussion can start, you need to prepare. Make a list of your achievements and quantify them with numbers and examples, if you can. It’s also helpful to get an idea of how your compensation compares to industry averages. You can easily find this information online or at the library. Remember that there can be more to compensation than salary, like health insurance, retirement plans, and stock options.

今天, we’ll listen as Ryan, a salesman at an industrial supply company called Pylon, discusses his salary with Jacob, his boss. Ryan would like a pay raise, but first, he needs to show Jacob why he deserves one. Notice how Ryan has thoroughly prepared for this meeting and is able to provide specific examples to support his case.


1. Is Ryan is happy with his job? What reasons does he give?
2. Why is Ryan’s relationship with Alliance Builders important?
3. What is the difference in the pay structure for web design and sales work differ?

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