維維 28 – 金融英語詞彙: 債券 (1)

Bonds have been a hot topic in the news recently. But what exactly are bonds and how do they work?

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在這個 金融英語 課, we’ll explain some of the main ideas and vocabulary, starting with key terms such as yields, coupons, 和成熟度. Then we’ll get into different types of bonds. And finally we’ll look at how governments use bonds to finance their borrowing needs.

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商務英語新聞 15 – 臉書首次公開募股

「喜歡」的價值’ 和‘標籤’ Facebook 上個月提交 S-1 文件後,股價呈​​指數級增長. Facebook將啟動首次公開募股 (首次公開募股) 在五月, 為 27 歲創辦人馬克祖克柏鋪路, 他的員工, 甚至塗鴉藝術家變得異常富有.

這個月的 商務英語新聞課 包含大量談論公司估值的精彩詞彙, 成長和社交網絡. 使用下面的鏈接訪問本課程的免費成績單和測驗.

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本 13 – 歐元危機

BEN Eurozone Crisis

The eurozone was thrown into renewed crisis this month as EU leaders struggled to agree on new stability measures.

As reported by the Guardian, “A world recession has drawn closer after the G20 summit failed to agree to fresh financial help for distressed countries and debt-ridden Italy was forced to agree to IMF monitoring of its austerity program.

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BEP 146 – 金錢成語 (部分 2)

這是兩部分中的第二部分 Business English Pod series on idioms related to money.

Many of our day-to-day business transactions involve money, so it’s common to hear money idioms used frequently in business discussions. We use them to talk about handling money and to describe situations with lots of money or no money at all. But we also use them to talk about situations that have nothing to do with moneysuch as evaluating ideas or speculating on their impact.

在最後一集中, we met Kevin and Leah, two employees at a cosmetics company. They’re planning a promotional campaign on a small budget. So they’re brainstorming ideas that will spark customer interest at a reasonable cost.

現在, they’re thinking of ways to show that their company’s cosmetics line is good value for money-conscious consumers.


1. What idea does Kevin suggest at the beginning of the dialog?
2. What are two things the company will have to do if it accepts Kevin’s idea?
3. What are Leah’s concerns about the idea?

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