BEP 126 – 英語會議: 討論問題 (1)

召開會議的最常見原因之一就是解決問題. A meeting can be a great place to do this, because it is possible for a variety of people with different experiences and perspectives to work together to identify the problem and come up with possible solutions.

但, 雖然我們可能有合適的人參加會議, 該過程經常有缺陷,因為沒有明確地提出和回答一個問題: “問題是什麼?” So, in today’s episode we’re going to focus on how to define the problem through discussion and then restate the problem as a challenge. In the second part of this series, we’ll look at how to evaluate and eliminate suggestions and then agree on a plan of action.

We’ll be listening to Kathryn, the head of Human Resources at a medium-sized company, who is meeting with department heads to discuss a problem they’re having with low staff morale across all departments of the company. Morale is a word used to describe a general feeling or mood.

Kathryn wants everyone to consider possible hidden reasons for low morale at the company. We’ll see how she helps participants focus on breaking down the morale problem. 對話框開始時, Kathryn calls everyone to attention and begins the meeting.


1) What is the surface problem that Kathryn and the others can see?
2) What does the group decide is the true cause of this problem?
3) What is the challenge that the group faces at the end of the dialog?

*** 這節課是我們的一部分 商務英語電子書 會議: 會議要點. 高級會員 點擊這裡下載 完整的電子書.

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BEP 125 – 旅遊英語: 租車

Business travelers can’t always get where they need to go by catching a plane or taking a taxi. Sometimes we need our own means of transport, and that usually means renting a car. 所以, in this ESL播客 we’ll cover language you can use when choosing a car, discussing features and clarifying insurance options.

在最後一集中 (BEP 124 – Checking our of a Hotel), we met Honesto Salvador and Alan Chan, who have just finished attending a training program sponsored by their company in Boston. They’ve just arrived now at Logan Airport, where they need to rent a car for their upcoming trip to New Haven.

當你聽, pay attention to the language they use to ask about vehicle types, standard features, extras and insurance options.


1. What kind of car would Honesto prefer?
2. What features are standard on all Beevis cars?
3. Why does Honesto not need extra insurance?

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BEP 124 – 旅遊英語: 簽出酒店

If you’ve ever checked into a hotel, there’s one more thing you’ll definitely have to do before you leave, check out of the hotel and pay the bill. 所以, in this 商務英語播客 lesson we’ll be looking at some of the language you might use as you’re preparing to depart.

A while back, 在 BEP 55BEP 56, we were introduced to Alan Chan and Honesto Salvador, two employees of a US electronics manufacturer visiting the USA on a business trip. As part of their training they have made a trip to Boston and will also travel to a nearby plant in New Haven. We join Alan and Honesto at the hotel in Boston as they go to reception to check out and pay the bill.


1. How does Honesto feel about breakfast at the hotel?
2. Who was responsible for the minibar charge?
3. Why does Honesto mention his club membership?
4. How will Alan and Honesto get to the airport?

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BEP 123 – 談判: 達成交易

在我們的最後一集中 關於英語談判的商務英語播客系列, 我們將考慮完成交易.

成功! 艱苦的談判工作得到了回報. 你們已達成協議. 現在是時候完成交易了. 在這一集, 我們將學習討論最後階段的技巧和語言. 尤其, 我們將重點總結細節, 收拾殘局, 加強關係並採取積極的風格. 我們將看到會談的結束為建立更牢固的夥伴關係提供了絕佳機會.

在這個節目中, 我們將看兩個簡短的對話,展示不同的談判風格. 在第一, 建築材料供應商, 托尼, 打電話給他的客戶, 保羅, 同意交易條款. 在第二, 總經理, 瑪克辛, 打電話給另一家公司的老闆, 彼得, 告訴他她的董事會已經同意收購他的公司.


1. 在第一個對話框中, 供應商做什麼, 托尼, 想與他的客戶確認, 保羅?
2. 東尼和保羅在對話結束時使用什麼樣的正向語言來加強關係?
3. 在第二個對話框中, 瑪克辛是否說董事會已同意彼得的建議價格?
4. 從談話中, 聽起來彼得將透過合併繼續在他的公司工作嗎??

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BEP 122 – 談判: 克服障礙

在我們正在進行的這一集中 關於英語商務談判的商務英語播客系列, 我們將討論如何克服談判中的障礙.

通常我們將阻塞視為絆腳石, 或障礙物, 達成協議. 但阻塞也可能成為創造最大價值的障礙. 換句話說, 我們不僅有興趣消除達成協議的障礙,而且有興趣消除達成更好協議的障礙. 成功地做到這一點通常需要跳出框框思考, 那是, 創造性地思考.

所以在這一集中, 我們將研究克服障礙. 尤其, 我們將專注於識別絆腳石, 探索替代方案, 並朝著達成協議的方向邁進.

還記得彼得, 文本的所有者, 一直試圖收購Maxine的公司, 賭棍, 作為他整合其他小企業策略的一部分. 他的最終目標是增加自己業務的價值,以便將其出售給更大的公司以獲得可觀的利潤. 在之前的劇集中, 彼得曾試圖收購瑪克辛的公司, 但由於瑪克辛不願放棄或降低她的價格,談判陷入了僵局 15 百萬.

在今天的聆聽中, 彼得回電給瑪克辛以重啟談判. 當你聽, 關注他們用來消除達成協議障礙的語言.


1. 彼得如何建議與瑪克辛重啟談判?
2. 彼得認為達成交易的主要障礙是什麼?
3. 彼得說的是什麼意思, “對我們來說這不是成長的問題, 這是一個生存問題。”
4. 彼得的關鍵見解是什麼,使瑪克辛和他能夠克服障礙?

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