ESL 播客

BEP 54 – Customer Service: 處理投訴 2: 解決投訴

This is the second in a two-part Business English Pod series on handling angry customers on the telephone. In today's…

六月 23, 2007

BEP 53 – Customer Service: 處理投訴 1: 移情

良好的客戶服務對於任何行業的成功至關重要, but it is particularly important in the service and hospitality…

六月 19, 2007

BEP 52 – 使用模糊語言 (部分 2)

這是我們關於策略性地使用模糊語言的商務英語播客系列的第二部分. Last time we covered…

六月 13, 2007

BEP 51 – 使用模糊語言 (部分 1)

今天是關於使用模糊語言的兩部分商務英語播客課程的第一部分. "模糊的" means not clearly defined.…

六月 9, 2007

商業新聞 10 – Viacom Sues YouTube for 1 十億美元

Today we have a Business English News story on a company that's been in the news quite a bit recently…

六月 6, 2007

BEP 50 – Softening Negative Replies (部分 2)

This is the second in a two-part Business English Podcast lesson on softening negative replies. Last time you worked on…

可能 26, 2007

BEP 49 – Softening Negative Replies (部分 1)

This is the first in a two-part Business English Podcast lesson on softening negative replies - saying “no” politely.

可能 23, 2007

BEP 48 – 陌生電話: 處理異議並結束通話

這是我們關於推銷電話的三部分商務英語播客系列的最後一個. In today's lesson, you'll learn how…

可能 16, 2007

BEP 47 – 陌生電話: 闡明利益並推銷

這是我們關於有用的電話和銷售技巧的三部分商務英語播客課程的第二部分: 冷呼叫.

可能 13, 2007

BEP 46 – 陌生電話: 取得良好的開端

Today's lesson is the first in a three-part Business English Pod series on cold calling, the skill of making unsolicited…

可能 9, 2007