商務英語新聞 36 – 物聯網

商務英語新聞 36 - The Internet Of Things

If you’re a fan of technology, you’ve likely come across the term Internet of Things, or IoT. It’s the connection of everyday devices to the Internet and has already started to change the way we interact with each other and the online world, and as Business Insider explains, it’s just getting started.

The Internet of Things has been labeled asthe next Industrial Revolutionbecause of the way it will change the way people live, 工作, entertain, 和旅行, as well as how governments and businesses interact with the world. 實際上, the revolution has already started.

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商務英語新聞 35 – 科技獨角獸


Originally named for their rarity, technology “unicorns” are now as common as cats and dogs. As the number of companies hitting the $1bn valuation mark that defines a unicorn skyrockets, it’s easy for investors to be giddy with excitement. 但, as City AM points out, these magical creatures may be too good to be true:

The so-called “unicorns” are being targeted by traders betting their share prices will fall. Named because of their mythical, elusive status, the number of unicorns running around has been enough to garner speculation that many of these firms are overvalued.

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商務英語新聞 34 – 共享經濟

本 34 - 共享經濟

Whether it’s ridesharing with Uber, lending your power drill to a neighbor with Peerby, taking advantage of a home exchange with Airbnb, or dozens of other examples, the so-calledsharing economyis firmly established in our daily life. While the concept has been in place for some time, numerous enterprising groups have found a way to make the most of the current economic environment.

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商務英語新聞 33 – 就業慣例


在今天的 商務英語新聞課, 我們著眼於就業實踐的發展以及這些發展如何影響工作穩定性和職業發展機會.

世界最近悄悄地通過了一個重要的里程碑 – 全球失業總人數超過 200 萬人, 根據聯合國的一項研究. 把它放在眼裡, 那是 30 與經濟衰退高峰時期相比,失業人數增加了數百萬 2008. 正如加拿大廣播公司新聞報導的那樣, 這些數字可能對未來產生嚴重影響.

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商務英語新聞 32 – 貨幣戰爭

商務英語新聞 32 - 貨幣戰爭

在今天的 商務英語新聞課, 我們研究各國如何利用貨幣競爭性貶值來刺激經濟成長.

自從全球經濟迎來新年以來,這是一段瘋狂的旅程, 全球寬鬆政策的規模令投資者震驚. 一般, 世界上某個地方每隔一段時間就會降息一次 3 天, 讓所有人措手不及. 如果 25 自年初以來各國降息還不足以證明, 珍妮特耶倫本週關於美元走強的警告證實,世界頂級央行正在打一場貨幣戰.

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