商務英語新聞 41 – 資料私隱

商務英語新聞 41 - 資料私隱

The digital age has brought unprecedented access to information and new online services. And in exchange, people have proven very willing to provide personal information and to have their online activities monitored. But is it worth it? As Wired reports, more and more people are questioning this trade-off:

The US has found itself in the middle of a data privacy awakening, and you can credit the recent spate of headline-grabbing scandals as the kick-starter. Cambridge Analytica illicitly took the personal information of up to 87 million Facebook users and turned it into targeted political ads. And Equifax let slip the sensitive details of 148 million Americans because it couldn’t be bothered to patch a known vulnerability.

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商務英語新聞 40 – 再生能源

商務英語新聞課 40 - 再生能源

早期的能源很簡單; 火被發現可以加熱物體, 然後隨之而來的是轉變 – 例如水壺下的火產生蒸汽. 但時代變了, 以及使用不可再生能源的影響, 或化石燃料, 是我們不能再忽視的一個. 把氣候變遷的爭論放在一邊, 企業和政府可以找到真正的商業機會, 並且應該, 考慮.

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商務英語新聞 39 – 印度經濟展望

商務英語新聞 39 - 印度經濟展望

Emerging markets have been through a lot over the past few years: The oil-price drop in 2014; China’s botched devaluation of its currency in 2015; and India’s bungled “demonetization” in late 2016. 今年, 然而, seems to be putting all that in the past, particularly for India. The BRIC nation has made strides in all areas which has led to a boom in business

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本 38 – 自動化和人工智慧的興起

Throughout the course of history, society has often been hesitant to accept widespread change. A day doesn’t pass without a new technological advance being reported. This has led many to worry about the effects of artificial intelligence, 或AI, on our daily lives.

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商務英語新聞 37 – 布雷西

商務英語新聞 37 - 布雷西 & 歐盟公投

除非你一直住在岩石下, 你知道英國人民在六月醒來 24 了解他們投票贊成離開歐盟, 也稱為英國脫歐. 經過一場令人興奮的競選活動後, 33.5 公投中投出了百萬張選票 17.4 百萬投票支持脫歐, 和 16.1 百萬留歐. 兩個陣營數月來的警告都集中在政治和經濟後果和回報上.

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