
商業新聞 07 – 印度的經濟成長

Today's Business English News podcast comes from an article on the recent positive statements by the CEO of Infosys on…

二月 27, 2007

商業新聞 06 – Offshoring

This Business English News podcast examines the topic of offshoring jobs. ”˜Offshoring' means to move part of a company's operations…

一月 20, 2007

商業新聞 05 – Virtual Meetings

您如何召開會議? 面對面, 在通電話, 透過視訊會議或甚至使用 VOIP/Skype? 出色地, now there…

十一月 23, 2006

商業新聞 04 – Management Style

Our Business English Podcast news story today is about the changes in management style taking place around the world. After…

十月 23, 2006

商業新聞 01 (成績單) – Business Communication

這是我們第一個常規商務英語新聞播客的文字記錄. We hear how people communicate at…

九月 22, 2006

商業新聞 3 – 200 百萬美元的錯誤

Our news story today is about a share trader in a Japanese bank who made perhaps the worlds most expensive…

九月 18, 2006

商業新聞 02 - 文化意識

今天, 商業成功比以往任何時候都更需要跨文化意識和有效的跨文化溝通技巧. 在職的, 會議, 交易, 有趣的, negotiating…

八月 22, 2006

商業新聞 1 – Communication at Work

The first of our regular business English news podcasts for English learners looks at how people communicate at work and…

七月 19, 2006