技能 360 – 實現目標 (部分 2)

歡迎回來 商務英語技能 360 關於我們實現目標的系列的第二部分.

在這一集, 我們將討論在實現目標的過程中如何保持專注和動力. 請記住,實現目標是一個過程, 不是事件. 這需要時間, 活力, 動機, 和應對逆境的能力. 不會一次全部發生. 但是,如果您設定了SMART目標, 好好管理, 找到合適的時間和資源, 並保持動力, 你會到達那裡.

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技能 360 – 實現目標 (部分 1)

歡迎回來 商務英語技能 360 for the first part of our series on achieving your goals. 在這一集, we’re going to focus on setting SMART goals and effective goal management.

現在, when I talk about goals, I’m talking about any kind of goal. It could be a personal goal, like improving your sales pitch, or an organizational goal, like expanding successfully into new territory. The basics are the same and these tips apply to goals of any size or scope.

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BEP 172 – 與供應商會面 (部分 3)

This is the third of a three-part Business English Pod series on discussing a proposal with a vendor.

Meeting with a vendor to discuss a proposal is partly about getting information and partly about negotiating a good deal. Your conversation is like a dance in which you and the vendor are trying to get the most out of a possible deal. You need to come out of the meeting feeling confident about the vendor’s abilities and sure that you are getting as much as possible at the best possible price.

上個星期, we looked at how to show concern about cost, introducing topics with tact, and showing tactical hesitation. 在這一集, we’ll focus on the negotiation phase. That will involve highlighting concerns, getting concessions, and making a counter-proposal. We’ll also look at how to set criteria for evaluation and how to maintain momentum at the end of a meeting.

在今天的對話中, we’ll rejoin Steve, who wants to hire a vendor to run language training, 和凱倫, 誰的公司參與了該項目的投標.


1. How does Karen respond to Steve’s concern about cost?
2. What changes to the proposal does Steve suggest?
3. What will probably happen next?

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BEP 171 – 與供應商會面 (部分 2)

這是三部分商務英語播客系列的第二部分 與供應商會面以討論提案.

正如我們上次討論的, 與供應商會面討論提案部分是為了獲取信息,部分是為了達成一筆好交易. 您需要利用自己的軟技能從會議結束時對供應商感到樂觀,並確信您以最優惠的價格獲得盡可能多的東西.

在最後一集中, 我們專注於通過不同類型的問題獲取信息. 在本課中, 我們將看看如何表達對成本的關注, 如何巧妙地介紹一個話題, 以及如何在談判中表現出猶豫. 我們還將介紹提出假設性問題和近似數字.

讓我們重新加入史蒂夫, 誰希望聘請某人進行語言培訓, 和凱倫, 誰的公司參與了該項目的投標.


1. 混合課程的優勢是什麼?
2. 史蒂夫在這部分會議中的主要關注點是什麼?
3. 如果客戶對混合交付不滿意怎麼辦?

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BEP 170 – 與供應商會面 (部分 1)

這是關於與供應商會面的三部分商務英語播客課程中的第一部分, 或潛在供應商.

當您與供應商會面討論提案時, 部分是為了獲取信息,部分是為了談判更好的條款. 您可能會與幾個競標相同工作的供應商會面. 您希望確保您了解每個提案並對每個供應商的交付能力充滿信心. 您還希望在交易中獲得盡可能最好的條款. 然後您可以就誰應該獲得合約做出明智的決定.

在本課中, 我們將考慮使用探索性問題來挖掘更多信息, 透過詢問過去的經驗來確保供應商的專業知識, 提出引導性問題, 並確認訊息. We’ll also see how a vendor attempts to address the client’s concerns.

在今天的對話中, we’ll hear Steve, who works for a company that wants to hire someone to run Business English training courses for its employees. Steve is meeting with Karen, a potential vendor, who works for Lexis Training Solutions.


1. What are Lexis Training Solutionsstrengths?
2. What are Steve’s biggest concerns in this meeting?
3. Why does Karen say that each company is unique?

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