BEP 204 – 英語工作面試: 轉職 (1)

BEP 204 - English Job Interviews: Switching Careers (1)

這是兩部分商務英語播客課程中的第一課 英語工作面試 當你換工作或進行職業轉變時.

你積累了很多 工作經驗 你為自己的特別感到自豪 成績. 而且你知道的足夠多,對事情應該如何做有明確的意見. 但現在是時候做出一些改變了. 也許你正在完全轉換職業, 或者你只是想換個角色. 而不管, 為了給人留下好印象,你將不得不解釋你的成就並仔細表達你的意見.

在一次採訪中, 這不僅僅是關於你說的話, 關鍵是你怎麼說. 你會被問到一些棘手的問題, 你可能只有一次機會. 賭注很高, 競爭可能很大. 你需要推銷自己並證明為什麼你是這個職位的正確選擇.

在本課中, 我們會聽到尼娜和弗蘭克採訪帕特里克. 帕特里克是一位經驗豐富的會計師,正在尋找職業轉變. 他正在申請一家大型會計諮詢公司的工作. 帕特里克將突出他獨特的經歷, 禮貌地批評他的前雇主, 承認挑戰, 並談論過去的衝突. 這些都是很難做好的事情, 但帕特里克明智地處理它們.


1. 為什麼帕特里克談論公司內部控制的變化?
2. 帕特里克如何描述與高管的財務會議?
3. 帕特里克說他如何與高​​管打交道?

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BEP 203 – 貿易展覽會英語 2: 合格的前景

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on doing business at a 貿易展覽會.

If you can connect with the right people at a large event like a trade show, you can get a lot of great sales leads and maybe even close some deals. Making these connections is all about your attitude and the way you communicate.

But trade shows come with challenges. One of these difficulties is focusing your time on those good prospects. This means that you need to be able to identify a bad prospect and to make your conversation with him brief. Doing this requires a combination of common sense, a focus on business, and some tact.

Today we will learn how to disengage from a bad prospect. But first, we’ll hear how to engage in small talk, 展示興趣, and get people to talk as these are all essential steps in determining if a prospect is worth pursuing.

We’ll rejoin Kevin, 誰在一家名為 D-Pack 的包裝公司工作. He is talking with Mick, who represents ElectroHome Cleaning. Kevin is going to both begin and end a conversation with Mick, who turns out to be not such a great prospect.


1. Why does Kevin ask Mick about ‘product demos’?
2. What does Mick say about cleaning products?
3. How does Kevin bring the conversation to a close?

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BEP 202 – 貿易展覽會英語 1: 吸引潛在客戶

歡迎回到 商務英語播客. My name’s Atalie, and I’ll be your host for today’s lesson on working at a trade show.

Trade shows can be fantastic opportunities to meet good prospects, network with others in the biz, and even close sales. But there are definite dos and don’ts about working the trade show circuit.

At a trade show, there are a lot of people. That means a lot of potential customers and leads, but it can also be easy to waste time on bad prospects. So you have to be outgoing to draw people in, but you also have to figure out quickly who is really worth talking to. And to engage good prospects and get rid of bad ones, you need excellent communication skills.

在本課中, we’ll look at how to be approachable, connect with customers, and make a quick pitch. We’ll also learn how to pass a prospect off to another team member and how to set up an appointment.

We are going to hear Kevin and Jenny, who work for a Chinese packaging company called D-Pack. They’re working a booth at a large trade show. They are dealing with Andrew, who works for a manufacturing company. Andrew has come by D-Pack’s booth, and Kevin and Jenny have to work their magic.


1. What does Andrew’s company want to do?
2. Why does Kevin talk about their big US clients?
3. What are Jenny and Andrew going to do at 10:00 the next day?

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本 14 – 移動平台之戰

Business English Lesson on Mobile Platforms
近幾個月來,智能手機霸主之戰達到了新的高度, 蘋果和谷歌等行業重量級人物領導著諸如Research in Motion和Windows之類的長期移動巨頭.

簡要介紹下層, 但不斷發展, 本月智能手機市場的歷史 商務英語新聞課. 我們提供許多有關移動通信的精彩詞彙, 銷售與技術. 使用下面的鏈接訪問本課程的免費成績單和測驗.

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BEP 201 – 充分利用英語開會 (2)

Meeting English Listening

歡迎回到第二部分的商務英語播客 充分利用您的會議.

好的會議和不好的會議有什麼區別? 有效的 商務英語會議 和其中一個人說話,但實際上並沒有完成的事情? 在很多情況下, 不同之處在於主持會議的人. 他或她是常規主席還是從外部帶來的主持人, 該人需要確保會議達到其目標.

那你該怎麼做? 您如何使會議正常進行? 這就是本系列中的內容. 我們展示的技能和技巧不僅對會議有用. 它們也可以應用於所有類型的小組討論.

今天, 我們將學習如何鼓勵安靜的人, 推動清晰, 避免擔任職務, 進行滿意度檢查, 讚美好工作. 我們將重新加入托尼, 安妮特, 和傑克(Jake)討論公司問題的解決方案. 該會議由Liz主持, 為了確保會議有效而從另一個部門招來的人.


1. 傑克認為什麼是基本問題之一?
2. 麗茲為什麼不想發表自己的意見?
3. 接下來他們要談論什麼?

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