BEP 279 – 銷售英語 1: 制定你的方法

BEP 279 - Business English for the Sales Process 1

歡迎回到今天的商務英語播客 商務英語課 on making your initial sales approach.

Sales is right at the core of business. It’s how you connect people with products, and turn products into profits. But most sales aren’t made with a single conversation. There’s a process involved. This process involves many different steps, and at each step, a good salesperson has to use their skills to keep the process moving forward.

在本課中, we’ll focus on the initial step of the 銷售流程: making the approach. This is when you talk to the potential customer for the first time. You want to establish a good rapport and ask some questions to start learning about their needs. We’ll learn how to compliment a prospect and ask open-ended questions. We’ll also cover how to show interest to get more information, show that you’ve done some background research, and reference other business connections. 具備這些技能, you can get off to a good start with your prospect.

在今天的對話中, we’ll hear a salesperson named Aaron, who works for a company that sells refrigeration and cooling equipment. Aaron is visiting a new hotel in Thailand and talking with Eva, the hotel’s manager and Robin, 主廚. He has arranged to visit the hotel and hopes to start building a relationship and finding out about their needs.


1. How does Aaron compliment his prospective customers?
2. What does Aaron show interest in to get more information?
3. What business connection do Aaron, Robin, and Eva have in common?

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維維 46 – 行銷英語: 這 4 行銷組合的PS (2)

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在這個 商務英語詞彙課, 我們將研究行銷組合, 它由行銷的 4P 組成: 產品, 價格, 地點和促銷. 我們將看看放置的想法, 這與產品的市場覆蓋範圍以及產品如何透過物流和公司的分銷管道進入市場有關. 最後的P是促銷, 或廣告, 這可能涉及公共關係和行銷活動, 包括店內促銷.

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維維 45 – 行銷英語: 這 4 行銷組合的PS (1)

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在這個 商務英語詞彙課, 我們將研究行銷組合, 它由行銷的 4P 組成: 產品, 價格, 地點和促銷. 首先我們將介紹與產品相關的想法, 其中包括差異化和定位. 公司的產品也必須反映其品牌. 第二個P是價格, 我們將研究滲透定價和虧損領導者等想法, 以及價格點.

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925英語 – 課 1: 如何用英語問好

925英語課 1 - 如何用英語問好

This is a preview lesson from 925 英語, 我們將於明年推出新系列. 恰到好處, we’re kicking off with a 925 英語課 on how to greet and say hello to colleagues and customers in English.

925English a new business English series for beginners (CEFR A1-A2) and lower intermediate (B1) 英語學習者. 925 英語課程側重於您可以在工作和商務中使用的大量語言和英語表達方式. We get straight to the point with lots of examples. We give you phrases you can say in different situations and advice on why and how to use them.

所以, it’s pretty easy to greet someone in English, 不是嗎? We can say “good morning” or “hello” or just “hi.” And we might add something like “my name is Tim Smith,” or a question like “how’s it going?” But what’s the difference? How do we choose which greeting to use? 出色地, 在業務, like in life, it depends on the situation. That includes who we’re talking to and where we’re having the conversation. So let’s go through three situations and practice some appropriate ways of saying hello.

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