商業新聞 3 – 200 百萬美元的錯誤


當你聽完故事後, 我們將解釋一些新詞彙並提供更多如何使用它的範例. 此商務英語新聞播客的文字記錄位於「檔案」中’ 部分:

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BEP 15 – 打電話: 處理問題

*更新: A new version of BEP 15 is available here. The new version includes a new recording of the explanations and greatly improved audio for the dialog and examples.

Problems, and more problems. Sometimes business seems to be all about dealing with problems. And when dealing with problems in a second language over the telephone, we need to be especially careful in our discussions, since we cannot see the reactions of the other party.

In today’s Business English Podcast we’ll listen to business people discussing a delivery problem over the phone. 然後, we’ll review the language that is used to establish relationships, 討論問題並就解決方案達成協議.

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商業新聞 02 – 文化意識

今天, 商業成功比以往任何時候都更需要跨文化意識和有效的跨文化溝通技巧.

在職的, 會議, 交易, 有趣的, 與來自不同文化的同事或客戶進行談判和溝通可能充滿障礙. 一個錯誤的動作或基本的誤解可能會毀掉或耽誤數月的工作.

理解和欣賞跨文化差異可以促進更清晰的溝通, 打破障礙, 建立信任, 加強關係, 開啟商機.

請點擊此連結以取得商務禮儀的重要提示, 全球開展業務的海關和協議: www.executiveplanet.com

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BEP 102 – 演講: 鏈接您的想法

本課程已更新 – 在這裡查看改進的課程.

In this Business English podcast we look at the language of signposting.

Signposting is informing listeners about what is to be presented in a presentation, and constantly informing listeners as to where they are during that presentation. The termsignpostingcomes from signs posted on street corners, which tell travelers where they are and where they are going.

在對話方塊中, we’ll hear the middle of a presentation about sales performance. As you, listen focus on the phrases the presenter uses to signpost the structure of his talk.

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商業新聞 1 – 工作溝通

我們為英語學習者提供的第一個常規商務英語新聞播客著眼於人們如何在工作中溝通以及可能影響溝通方式的不同因素. 新聞報導之後是對關鍵英語詞彙的討論以及本文上下文中單字意義的解釋.

我們建議您先聽讀並記下您不熟悉的單字. 然後閱讀該文章的副本,看看您是否可以透過查看它的用法來猜測單字的含義. 最後, 聽聽詞彙的解釋和討論,看看你是否猜對了. 您可以在檔案館的「成績單」中取得故事的成績單’ 部分

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