VideoVocab 002: 經濟 1

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商務英語播客的這一集視頻詞彙介紹 10 與...相關的常用英語單詞 經濟:
調節, 貨幣, 利率, 匯率, 貨幣政策, 中央銀行, 波動, 推測, 通貨膨脹 & 基點.

Video Vocab是常規視頻廣播,收錄有用的商務英語單詞和術語. 您可以使用Video Vocab擴展商務英語詞彙並練習發音. 我們修改了格式,將所有單詞都包含在一個視頻中,以便於下載和使用。, 讓我們知道您的想法.

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BEP 32 – 會議: 集思廣益 & 討論想法

New versions of this lesson are available here:
BEP 32 A – English for Discussing Solutions to a Problem (1)
BEP 32 B – English for Discussing Solutions to a Problem (2)

In this Business English Podcast lesson we take another look at the language used to suggest and discuss ideas in meetings and teleconferences. We’ll also provide further language for diplomatic disagreement and agreeing action points at the end of the meeting.

The teleconference is run by Jim as a type of meeting called a “Brainstorming” meeting, which is useful for gathering and openly discussing ideas as the format is more relaxed.

Members: PDF Transcript

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BEP 31 – 會議: 接受和拒絕建議

A new updated version of this lesson is available here.

商務英語課 is the second part of a two-part series on making, rejecting and accepting suggestions in English. 在第一集中, we looked at how to make suggestions. 在這一集, we’ll cover appropriate ways to reject and accept suggestions in English. Accept means to agree to a suggestion and reject means to disagree.

您會記得, the listening takes place at a sports shoe company called Stratos. You’ll be listening to Karen, a marketing manager, meet with three members of her team, Charles, Sven and Miguel. They are choosing a celebrity spokesperson for a new product.

*** 這節課是我們的一部分 商務英語電子書 會議: 會議要點. 高級會員 點擊這裡下載 完整的電子書.

Members: PDF Transcript | Quizzes | PhraseCast | Lesson Module

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BEP 30 – 會議: 用英語提出建議

A new updated version of this lesson is available here.

Today’s intermediate 商務英語課 is part of a two-part series on making, rejecting and accepting suggestions in English. 在本課中, we’re focused on the language used to introduce your ideas and make suggestions.

The dialog takes place at a sports shoe company called Stratos. You’ll be listening to Karen, a marketing manager, meet with three members of her team, Charles, Sven and Miguel. They are choosing a celebrity spokesperson for a new product. Celebrity means a famous person and spokesperson is someone who gets paid to be in an advertisement for a product.

*** 這節課是我們的一部分 商務英語電子書 會議: 會議要點. 高級會員 點擊這裡下載 完整的電子書.

Members: PDF Transcript | Online Practice | PhraseCast | Lesson Module

Download: Podcast MP3

Here’s a preview of this lesson in video format from our Business English Kickstart course:

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商業新聞 06 – 離岸

This Business English News podcast examines the topic of offshoring jobs. “離岸” means to move part of a company’s operations (usually supporting functions such as finance or HR) to another countryliterallyoff shore.Another commonly used term related to this topic isoutsourcing” – this means to use a different company to handle some supporting tasks. The key difference is that outsourcing doesn’t necessarily mean the work is done in a different country.

The topic of offshoring, or outsourcing work overseas, is certainly a popular one these days, and many people in Western Europe and North America are quite concerned that this practice will lead to less job opportunities in their countries. 然而, our story details a report from a well know management consultancy that concludes these concerns may be exaggerated oroverblown.

PDF Transcript: Study Notes

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