BEP 67 – 與同事在工作中交往

This is the fourth in a series of intermediate business ESL podcasts that focus on business travel. In this series we’re following a group of trainees who work for the telecommunications company Ambient as they visit their head office in Michigan in the U.S.

How do you make friendly chat with your colleagues? What kinds of topics can you talk about? We’ll be looking at some answers. 尤其, we’ll cover informal greetings and how to chat about movies. As almost everyone loves to go to the cinema, movies are usually a good topic for small talk.

As our listening begins, it’s Monday morning. Honesto, a trainee from the Philippines, says hello to his American colleague Brenda as she comes in to the office.


1) What does Brenda mean when she says “veg out”?
2) What are critics and what did they think about Rush Hour 3?
3) How does Brenda like her coffee?

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BEP 66 – 與同事合作並提出要求

如果沒有足夠的辦公空間供所有員工使用,或者其中許多人通常將大部分時間花在外出旅行或工作上,該怎麼辦? 在90年代, 一些聰明的經理想出了一個解決方案 – 熱桌 – 剩下的就是歷史. 熱桌服務是指使用為需要他們的員工設置的臨時工作區.

隨著筆記本電腦和互聯網的發明, 我們幾乎可以在任何地方工作. 現在, 在全球許多公司中,從高科技軟件公司到管理諮詢公司,甚至在銀行和工程等更傳統的行業中越來越多, 一定數量的工作區域 “辦公桌。” 只要他們是空的, 任何人都可以在那里工作. 坐下, 插入電腦, 你準備出發了! 在很多人出差的公司, 這是省錢的好方法,因為它將未使用的空間減少到最小.

在這個 商務英語播客 課, 我們將繼續我們的商務旅行系列. 我們正在關注Honesto, 來自馬尼拉的環境電信員工, 在前往密歇根州總部的培訓之旅中, 美國. 本課程的主要語言重點是提出禮貌的要求. 一路上, 我們還將研究表達喜歡和不喜歡的一些不同方式. Honesto找到了自己未使用的桌子,並且突然間遇到一個新鄰居,他正在工作, 梅根.


1) Honesto和Megan使用什麼樣的表情來提出禮貌的要求?
2) Honesto參加哪種培訓?
3) 梅根來自哪裡?

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BEP 65 – 銷售英語: 提問技巧 (2)

這是有關提問技巧的商務英語播客課程的第二部分. 上次在 BEP 64 我們研究了閒聊並透過開放性問題收集信息, 透過探究性問題獲取具體資訊並透過表現出興趣來引導對話.

這次我們要學習幾個更進階的提問技巧, 包括直接問題, 從不善於交流的人那裡獲取訊息, 反思性問題, 引導談話, 和假設性問題, 建議可能採取的行動. 這些技術共同構成了一系列技術,可用於深入了解您需要的信息.

您會記得, 傾聽發生在客戶需求分析中: 布拉德, 來自化學塗料生產商 Forrest and Brown, 正在拜訪他的客戶安迪. 安迪的公司, 斯特拉托斯, 組裝用於消費性電子產品的電路板.

在......的最後 部分 1 , 布拉德剛剛使用了一個探究性問題來確定安迪的公司專注於哪些確切類型的產品. 當他發現 Stratos 正在生產大量電視板時, 布拉德決定按照這個順序提問. 正如我們將看到的, 這是因為電視非常適合 Brad 的產品.

他們所說的具體電視類型是液晶電視, 通常稱為平面電視.


1) 液晶電視會產生大量熱量. 為什麼這對布拉德的推銷很重要?
2) Andy 在選擇保形塗料來保護 Stratos 生產的電路板時的主要優先事項是什麼?
3) 布拉德希望賣給安迪的塗層的主要優點是什麼?

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BEP 64 – 銷售英語: 提問技巧 (1)

Questions are an important part of almost every conversation. So being able to ask good questions is critical to communication. How can we make our questioning more effective and efficient? In this two-part Business English Podcast series we’ll be looking at some answers.

The communication skills we’ll be learning can be used in any situation, but we’ll be focusing in on an area where questioning techniques are particularly important: needs analysis. This refers to analyzing the needs of a customer as part of the sales process. We’ll study a series of questioning techniques that can be used todrill down to” – 那是, get to or uncoverthe information you want.

In today’s Business English listening Brad is a sales manager for Forrest and Brown, a producer of innovative industrial coatings and glues. Coating refers to a chemical that is applied to the outside of something to protect it. 例如, paint is a type of coating. Forrest and Brown producesconformal coatings”; this type of coating is used to protect printed circuit boards, or PCBs. PCBs are small flat boards covered with wiring and electronic parts. Almost all electronic devicesTVs, CD players, phoneshave them.

Today Brad is visiting Andy, who is a production manager for Stratos, an assembler of PCBs that are used in household items. We can say that Andy is Brad’sprospect” – the person he wants to sell to.

Let’s listen to how Brad asks Andy questions to analyze Stratos’ 需要.


1) What does Brad think of the Stratos facility?
2) How long has Stratos been located in its current location?
3) What kind of devices does Stratos produce circuit boards for?

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BEP 63 – 社會背景下的間接說服

Life is actually a constant exercise in persuasion, wouldn’t you say? What I mean is we don’t just need to persuade people in the meeting room; actually, we are constantly using the tools of persuasion across a wide variety of situations ranging from serious to casual. In addition to formal situations, everyday persuasions include when to meet, whether to extend a deadline, and even such common things as where to have lunch or which movie to see.

So the persuasive process we learned in BEP 59 , 60 & 62 is useful not just for formal business situations, but across all sorts of contexts that come up many times every day. You don’t always want to use the indirect approach to persuasion, but it’s often very useful.

Here’s an example of the persuasive process at work in an everyday situation: Julie is persuading her husband, 史蒂夫, to try a new vacation spot.

當你聽, see if you can identify the five steps of the Monroe sequence:

1) Getting attention
2) Establishing need
3) Satisfying that need
4) Visualizing the future
5) Asking for action

Because this is an informal situation, the language Julie uses is obviously quite casual and she doesn’t include any numbers or statistical data; 但, as always, a convincing description of the problem in the need step is the key to successful persuasion. And it’s important to state the problem from the perspective of the audience, which in this case is Julie’s husband.

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