BEP 80 – 旅遊英語: 入住飯店

在本商務英語播客課程中, 我們將重點放在短語和詞彙 – 用於辦理入住手續以及辦理入住手續時詢問酒店服務.

長途跋涉到達飯店, 艱難的旅行日, you need to do one last thing before you can take a hot shower and relax in front of the TV – 你需要辦理登機手續. 這意味著透過填寫任何必要的表格並向飯店提供您的信用卡號碼來登記房間.

入住飯店是旅行的另一個重要組成部分, 無論是商務還是休閒. 本集接續 BEP 79 旅行: 預訂飯店房間, 莎拉·約翰遜 (Sarah Johnson) 打電話預訂了紐約大華酒店 (Majestic Hotel) 的房間. 莎拉現已抵達, 她已準備好開始她的逗留.

在聆聽中, 保羅, 在接待處, 幫助莎拉登記房間. 注意莎拉使用的語言.


1) 當她預訂房間時, 莎拉要求預訂晚餐. 飯店的餐廳叫什麼名字? 它在哪一層?
2) 客人需要攜帶什麼去健身中心?
3) 莎拉如何支付房間押金?

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BEP 79 – 旅行: 預訂酒店

Today’s Business English Podcast lesson is on making a hotel reservation.

It’s something all of us need to do: Whether it’s for a company business trip, or for personal travelwe all need to, at some time or another, call a hotel to reserve a room. 當然, making reservations is not only useful for hotels but also for all sorts of situationsconferences, restaurants, airplane travel, and any other type of event that requires us to book in advance.

That is the skill that we will be practicing in this episodemaking reservations. 一路上, we’ll also be learning vocabulary for staying in hotels.

在聆聽中, Sarah Johnson is going on vacation with her husband. She calls the reservations desk at the Majestic Hotel in New York, where a staff member, 托尼, picks up the phone. 當你聽, pay attention to the language Sarah uses, 並嘗試回答以下問題.


1) What kind of room does Sarah want?
2) What extra request does Sarah have?
3) Tony makes a mistake while taking Sarah’s reservation. 它是什麼?

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BEP 78 – 社群: 討論政治

They say there’s one rule of conversation that you should always follow in businessdon’t talk about politics, sex or religion. 實際上, 然而, it seems like 90% of casual conversations are about just those thingspolitics, sex and religion. So in this episode, we’ll be focusing on one of these topicspolitics. We’ll be learning some language that will help you cope with this difficult topic.

There’s a trick to talking about politics in business. In international business culture, it’s usually better not to express strong opinions. The focus is generally on the exchange of information rather than on debate, because the main goal is to maintain harmonious relations. 經常, we state our opinions non-committally. That means we don’t commit ourselves to an opinion – 換句話說, we don’t voice a strong view one way or the other. 代替, we prefer to be vague, or ambiguous. This strategy helps avoid conflict.

So in this podcast, in addition to covering some general phrases and vocabulary for discussing politics, we’ll be studying how to soften your questions and be non-committal when necessary.

We’ll be listening to Ricardo and Lars, old colleagues who have met each other again at an international conference. They’re talking about the political situations in their home countries, Brazil and Denmark.


1) Ricardo says he has heard that the Danish government is pretty far “正確的”, 那是, conservative. But Lars seems to think that this has a good side. 它是什麼?
2) Lars mentions that Brazil has won its bid to host the World Cup. Ricardo says that Brazil has a lot of work to do in which areas?
3) Lars talks about a certain kind of problem that hascropped up”, 那是, appeared or occurred during Brazilian President Lula’s presidency. 它是什麼?

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BEP 106e – 成功演講: 使用聲音

在此商務英語播客課程中,我們將介紹如何自然說話以及如何強調, 或突出顯示, 關鍵語言和想法. 此外, 我們將研究一些關鍵的英語表達方式和短語,您可以使用這些短語和短語為英語演講增加更多的重點.

今天的聆聽是在PharmaTek進行的, 位於瑞士的國際製藥商. 一群歐洲記者正在參觀PharmaTek在北京新建的高效能生產中心, 計劃開始生產PharmaTek的新型重磅炸藥, 佐拉克斯, 在秋天 2007. “大片” 意味著巨大的成功. “高效率生產” 指使用強效或非常強的化學物質. 這是一種製造技術,需要 “最先進的” 或非常先進的技術.

我們將聽到PharmaTek員工介紹新工廠. 讓我們從幾個不好的例子開始, 聲音需要很多工作. 聽Gunter Schmidt, PharmaTek公司事務部經理. 當你聽, 專注於他的聲音. 他做錯了什麼?

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BEP 77 – 休閒英語: 下班後社交

In many countries, having a drink after work with colleagues is a popular way to relax: This kind of socializing helps us get to know each other and to build team spirit. To attract customers who are just getting off work, many bars and clubs have ahappy hour.This is a promotion in the early evening, usually lasting an hour or so, when pubs and bars offer a special prices on drinks, 如 “buy one get one free” 或者 “all drinks half price.So in this business English podcast, we will explore language that we can use to socialize with colleagues during happy hour or during other informal occasions.

Whether you drink alcohol or not, in many places around the world you will likely be invited to the bar or pub with colleagues. It’s important to know how to offer to buy drinks for others and how to make polite excuses when you’ve had enough or when it’s time to go. The same skills are also useful for other types of after-work social activities.

在對話方塊中, we join Greg, a manager, and three people in his teamJoanna, Gary, 和本 – as they order.


1) Who is paying for the first round of drinks? How can you tell?
2) Who is the person who doesn’t drink?
3) When it’s time for her to go, what excuse does Joanna make?

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