BEP 142 – 演講: SWOT分析 2

這是關於呈現 SWOT 分析的兩部分商務英語播客系列中的第二部分.

SWOT 分析是一種幫助公司了解其優勢和劣勢的工具, 同時牢記他們面臨的機遇和威脅. 這樣, 公司可以查看影響其成功的內部和外部因素. 這些信息可以以多種方式使用, 比如項目策劃, 危機管理, 和競爭分析.

在最後一集中, 特里, 誰在一家成長中的會計師事務所工作, 開始為蘇珊做演講, 新聘用的營銷經理. Terry 很隨意地介紹了他的 SWOT 分析, 作為與蘇珊的一對一討論. 他介紹了公司的一些優勢和劣勢, 影響企業成長的內部因素.

在這一集, Terry 將介紹公司面臨的機遇和威脅. 這些是在製定新的營銷策略之前需要考慮的外部力量. 對話框開始時, 蘇珊回應特里關於公司優勢和劣勢的介紹, 隨著特里開始討論機會.


1) 針對當前的經濟形勢,當地政府做了哪些工作?
2) 誰負責公司的稅務諮詢部門?
3) Terry 認為什麼對 Susan 的營銷活動很重要?

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BEP 141 – 演講: SWOT分析 1

在本商務英語Pod課程中, we start the first in a 2-part series on presenting a SWOT analysis.

A SWOT analysis is a simple but powerful framework for analyzing your company’s strengths and weaknessesthese are internal to the companyas well as the opportunities and threats you face outside the company. This analysis helps you focus on your strengths, minimize threats, and take the greatest possible advantage of opportunities available to you.

在今天的課程中, we’ll focus on the first two stages of a SWOT: strengths and weaknesses. We’ll practice language for providing an overview, introducing your main strength, maximizing positive aspects, and acknowledging and introducing a weakness.

We’ll be listening to Terry, a partner at a growing firm of accountants, talking to Susan, the company’s newly hired marketing manager. Terry needs to brief Susan about the company and SWOT is a quick and easy-to-understand framework for giving a quick overview of a company and its position.


1) What is the main source of business for the company?
2) What is the main strength identified by Terry?
3) What weaknesses does Terry mention?

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BEP 140 – 通過電話處理問題

在本商務英語Pod課程中,我們將討論通過電話討論問題. 對於今天的例子, 我們將集中精力處理未付款的發票, 或未按時付款的賬單.

在業務, 遲到付款的客戶並不罕見. 有時只是未收到發票; 其他時候,客戶可能沒有足夠的資金來支付賬單. 最終, 你需要打電話, 討論問題, 並嘗試解決方案.

在今天的播客中, 我們將練習介紹問題的短語, 禮貌而堅定地清楚地說明細節, 提出要約並提出解決方案.

該對話框具有Marcy功能, 誰為計算機解決方案工作. Marcy的公司為ATI Communications的Jack Fountain部門提供了軟件和培訓. 自Marcy提交第一張發票以來,已經過去了幾個月, 但尚未付款. 現在她打電話來找出原因. 第一的, 她在應付帳款部門與Donna交談.


1) 傑克認為馬西的發票在哪裡??
2) 傑克同意的付款條件是什麼?
3) 傑克建議什麼解決方案?

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BEP 139 – 航海慣用語: 公司業績 (2)

This is second of a two-part Business English Pod series on business idioms related to the sea, 船, and sailing.

You’ll often hear sailing idioms used in business discussions. A company is compared to a ship and employees are the ship’s crew.

在最後一集中, two colleagues named Lakisha and Warren were talking about the decline of Trussock’s, an engineering firm. They felt that Trussock’s problems were caused by the new CEO’s poor management. It seemed he had no concrete business plan and employees were confused and very unhappy. 今天, Lakisha and Warren discuss ways that Trussock’s could become a viable, or successful, company again.


1) What does Lakisha think should happen with Trussock’s management?
2) How might Trussock’s employees help the company’s situation?

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