BEP 146 – 金錢成語 (部分 2)

這是兩部分中的第二部分 Business English Pod series on idioms related to money.

Many of our day-to-day business transactions involve money, so it’s common to hear money idioms used frequently in business discussions. We use them to talk about handling money and to describe situations with lots of money or no money at all. But we also use them to talk about situations that have nothing to do with moneysuch as evaluating ideas or speculating on their impact.

在最後一集中, we met Kevin and Leah, two employees at a cosmetics company. They’re planning a promotional campaign on a small budget. So they’re brainstorming ideas that will spark customer interest at a reasonable cost.

現在, they’re thinking of ways to show that their company’s cosmetics line is good value for money-conscious consumers.


1. What idea does Kevin suggest at the beginning of the dialog?
2. What are two things the company will have to do if it accepts Kevin’s idea?
3. What are Leah’s concerns about the idea?

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BEP 145 – 金錢成語 (部分 1)

This is the first of a two-part Business English Pod series on idioms related to money.

It’s difficult to imagine business without money. 畢竟, making money is the main goal of many businesses. Profits often determine a company’s success. And companies must spend money, and budget carefully, to reach their business goals. 所以, it’s not surprising money idioms are featured regularly in business conversations.

We’ll be covering many of these idioms today. Take note of them as you hear the dialog, but don’t worry if you don’t understand them the first time around. They’ll all be explained in the debrief and you’ll have a chance to practice them at the end.

We’ll be listening to Kevin and Leah, two colleagues at a mid-sized cosmetics company. Cosmetics is the industry name for make-upproducts used to enhance a person’s appearance, such as mascara or eye shadow. They are discussing promotional plans for the coming year while working on a tight budget, so there isn’t much money to spend. Kevin and Leah don’t agree on the best way to spend the money and must find a compromise.


1. What promotional plan does Kevin suggest?
2. Does Leah agree with this idea? 為什麼或者為什麼不?
3. What does Kevin think the company needs to show?

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BEP 144 – 會議: 電話會議英語 (2)

English for Teleconference Meetings 1

這是兩部分中的第二部分 商務英語課電話會議英語.

電話會議使來自不同位置的人們可以通過電話開會. 雖然方便, 電話會議確實要記住一些問題, 例如跟踪誰在說話. 有時兩個人同時講話或講話太快. 因為參與者看不見, 使用「路標」或簡短的陳述來讓其他人為即將要說的話做好準備是有幫助的. 安排議程和安排時間等其他問題也有影響.

在最後一集中, 我們聽到克雷格(Craig)和艾爾莎(Elsa)之間的對話, StarCom的兩名員工, 電子製造商. 克雷格(Craig)舉行了第一次電話會議,艾爾莎(Elsa)給了他一個非正式的教程, 教他有關電話會議的設備和一些協議的知識.

今天, 克雷格參加電話會議. 電話會議的主持人是托尼, 芝加哥的經理. 戴安娜(Diana)也參加了, 倫敦的一位同事, 和JP, 在達拉斯的市場營銷部門工作的人. 他們正在討論即將到來的假期, 新產品線, 和廣告.


1) JP如何幫助Craig進行議程?
2) 據戴安娜, 為什麼打印機測試結果令人失望?
3) 戴安娜為什麼不認為問題會很快得到解決?

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BEP 143 – 會議: 電話會議英語 (1)

English for Teleconference Meetings 1

這是兩部分的商務英語Pod系列中的第一篇 電話會議 – 電話會議.

如今, 我們有虛擬團隊在全球範圍內互動 虛擬會議 不用離開辦公室. 電話會議具有許多優勢, 包括最低的差旅和會議費用.

然而, 電話會議確實有挑戰, 特別是因為參與者看不見對方. 這對人們自我介紹很有幫助, 說話時使用他們的名字和同事的名字, 最小化背景噪音, 並緩慢而清晰地說話. 在這兩個情節中, 我們將學習與電話會議相關的詞彙. 我們還將學習以專業和機智的方式處理出現的任何問題的方法.

今天, 我們將聽克雷格(Craig)和艾爾莎(Elsa). Craig是StarCom的新員工, 電腦和打印機製造商. 他剛從大學畢業,需要學習如何進行電話會議, 所以他向艾爾莎求助, 在人力資源部門工作的人.


1) 電話會議需要什麼類型的設備?
2) 密碼的目的是什麼?
3) Elsa提到的在電話會議中經常發生的三個問題是什麼?

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