
VideoVocab 002: 經濟 1


二月 7, 2007

BEP 32 – 會議: 集思廣益 & 討論想法

In this Business English Podcast lesson we take another look at the language used to suggest and discuss ideas in…

二月 3, 2007

BEP 31 – 會議: 接受和拒絕建議

This Business English podcast is the second part of a two-part ESL lesson on making, 拒絕和接受建議. In…

一月 31, 2007

BEP 30 – 會議: 用英語提出建議

Today's intermediate Business English lesson is part of a two-part series on making, rejecting and accepting suggestions in English. In…

一月 27, 2007

商業新聞 06 – Offshoring

This Business English News podcast examines the topic of offshoring jobs. ”˜Offshoring' means to move part of a company's operations…

一月 20, 2007

BEP 29 – 會議: 英文不同意

在此商務英語播客中, 我們將專注於分歧. 我們將學習不同的英語方式, from…

一月 13, 2007

BEP 28 – 會議: 英文同意

本商務英語課是由兩部分組成的系列的第一部分,該系列探討了同意和不同意. In these two…

一月 10, 2007

BEP 27 – 會議: 用英語發表意見

Learn how to give and ask for opinions in English. We'll look at the formal (或小心) language used in…

一月 3, 2007

BEP 26 – Travel: 轉機和旅行問題

In this Business English Podcast we're going to look at the language used for more direct requests.

十二月 30, 2006

BEP 25 – Travel: 機場值機和禮貌性要求

In this two-part Business English Podcast series, we will be looking at the ESL vocabulary used when traveling by air,

十二月 17, 2006