
BEP 138 – Sailing Idioms: 公司業績 (1)

在本商務英語播客課程中, we're going to look at how English idioms related to sailing and the sea…

七月 26, 2009

免費課程 – BEP 129: 提出一個想法


七月 25, 2009

自由的: BEP 83 – Discussing Previous Experience

Coming in second in the vote for the most popular lesson is BEP 83 - 工作面試: Discussing Previous Experience.…

七月 22, 2009

自由的: BEP 126 – Discussing a Problem (部分 1)

投票在和最受歡迎的課程, 由聽眾投票, 是 BEP 126 - Problem Solving…

七月 19, 2009

BEP 137 – Company Tour: 帶訪客參觀

In this business English lesson we look at how to conduct a factory tour in English.

七月 11, 2009

BEP 136 – 會議: 製作進度報告

Learn Business English for reporting on the progress of a project.

七月 5, 2009

BEP 135 – Travel English: 機場安檢

In this Business English podcast we look at travel English for dealing with an airport security check.

六月 21, 2009

BEP 134 – Travel English: 在咖啡店上網

In this business English lesson we look at travel English for going to a coffee shop and getting online.

六月 13, 2009

BEP 133 – 銷售和麵試: 英語電梯推介

In this business English lesson we look at sales English for making an elevator pitch in English.

六月 6, 2009