
技能 360 – 用英語清晰溝通 (2)

Learn how to improve your English communication skills.

九月 30, 2018

技能 360 – 用英語清晰溝通 (1)


九月 22, 2018

BEP 329 – 專案管理英語 9: 移交會議


九月 12, 2018

BEP 328 – 專案管理英語 8: 談判解決方案


九月 1, 2018

925 英語課 22 – Making Requests in English

925 English Video lesson on how to make and respond to requests in English.

八月 26, 2018

925 英語課 21 – Making Offers in English

925 English Video lesson on how to make and respond to offers in English.

八月 12, 2018

商務英語新聞 41 – Data Privacy

Learn Business English vocabulary related to technology and data privacy.

七月 21, 2018

BEP 327 – Expressing Opinions in English


七月 14, 2018