業務技能 360

商務英語技能 360 – The podcast that looks at the other side of business English. 技能 360 課程探索工作場所中全方位的商務英語; 尋找管理技能, 職業和溝通.

Skills 360 – How to Overcome Cognitive Bias

技能 360 – 如何克服認知偏見

Learn how to overcome the cognitive biases that may impact decision-making.

六月 9, 2024

技能 360 – What is Cognitive Bias?

在此技能 360 lessons we look at cognitive bias.

可能 26, 2024

技能 360 – What is DEI: 多樣性, 公平與包容

Learn about the impact and implications of DEI - 或多樣性, 公平, 和包容性 - 在工作場所.

行進 3, 2024

技能 360 – What is ESG: 環境的, 社會與治理

Learn what ESG is all about as we look at environmental, social and governance concerns.

二月 18, 2024

技能 360 – 向上管理 2: 如何向上管理

Learn how to manage up and develop a better relationship with your boss.

十月 29, 2023

技能 360 – 向上管理 1: 與你的老闆一起工作

在此商務英語技能 360 課, we look at English for management and how to manage up by developing…

十月 8, 2023

技能 360 – 讓你的職涯步入正軌 (2)

在此商務英語技能 360, we take another look tips for keeping your career on track or restarting it…

一月 15, 2023

技能 360 – 讓你的職涯步入正軌 (1)

歡迎回到商務英語技能 360 podcast for today's lesson on keeping your career on track.

一月 4, 2023

技能 360 – 調整你的溝通方式 (2)

Learn how to adapt your communication style to suit different situations.

七月 31, 2022

技能 360 – 調整你的溝通方式 (1)

Learn how to adapt your communication style to your audience.

七月 17, 2022