925 英語 – 課 4: 用英語談論你的工作

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在今天的 925 英語課, 我們將學習如何談論您的工作.

在很多情況下,您遇到新朋友並且想告訴他們您的工作. 也許他們問你, 或者你只想自我介紹. 那你該怎麼做? 你只是說「我是推銷員」就這樣了嗎? 沒有, 你需要說的不止於此.

925 英語 是面向初學者的新商務英語播客. 925 英語課程側重於您可以在工作和商務中使用的大量語言和英語表達方式. 每 925 英語課的特色是您可以在不同情況下使用的英語短語,以及有關我們為什麼以及如何使用它們的建議 商務英語.

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BEP 23c – 電話英語: 採取行動

BEP23c Telephone English - 採取行動 - 課程模組

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on how to get action over the 英文電話.

Being productive at work means getting stuff done. And sometimes to get our own work done, we need other people to get things done. So when you need action from someone, what’s the best or quickest way to get it? 出色地, often we just pick up the phone and call the person.

那你怎麼說? Is it okay to just come out and say “hey, do this” or “hi, do that?” Not really. You need to be firm and direct, but not that firm and direct. You might need to emphasize how important the issue is. 下一個, you might lead into the main issue before you actually talk about what you want or need done.

但這還不是全部! If you want action, you want to make absolutely sure you’re going to get it. That’s why you might ask for a guarantee, which is like a promise from the other person. 最後, just to be 100% sure, you should finish off by confirming the action. 這樣, you’re not being too direct or bossy, but you’re still firmly doing more than just making a polite request.

在今天的對話中, we’ll hear Nathan, who works for an aircraft company called Cyclops. Nathan is calling George at a company called Airtronics. Nathan is calling because he wants to get action on a proposal from George. 進一步來說, he wants to make sure George is going to submit the proposal to Cyclops today.


1. Why does Nathan think it’s important for George to submit a proposal today?
2. What important question does Nathan ask that relates to whether George can complete his proposal?
3. 談話即將結束時, Nathan asks George to do something just to confirm that the proposal is being sent. What does he ask George to do?

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BEP 22c – 電話英語: 查詢

Business English for Telephoning BEP 22c - 查詢

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on how to make an enquiry on the 英文電話. Making an enquiry means that you want to ask a question, or questions, to get information.

Getting information over the telephone in English can be challenging! You need to be very clear about what you need, and sometimes you need to ask the other person for clarification when you can’t hear or don’t understand. If information isn’t correct, or if it’s misunderstood, there could be big trouble. So it’s important that you learn good ways of making telephone enquiries.

What do you actually do when you make an enquiry? 出色地, 開始, you will want to ask for information. That could simply mean telling the other person what you want to know more about. Sometimes you might also use an alternative choice question, 喜歡 “is it A or is it B?” Giving limited options like that can help make things clear.

現在, what if you can’t hear the other person correctly? 出色地, you might have to use an expression likesorry, what did you say?” to get the other person to repeat himself. And sometimes a word or abbreviation might not be clear and you might have to spell it out, letter by letter. All of these are ways of making sure your enquiry and the information is clear.

在今天的對話中, we’ll hear George, who works for a company called Airtronics. George’s company is writing a proposal to make radios for an aircraft company called Cyclops. George is talking to Simon at Cyclops Aircraft to get some information he needs for his proposal. The telephone connection isn’t always clear, which creates some difficulty in the call.


1. George asks Simon about “shipping,” or delivering the radios. What are the two choices George gives Simon about shipping?
2. At one point, George can’t hear what Simon says. How does George ask Simon to repeat himself?
3. Simon uses two words to make it clear to George that he means “XV.” What are the two words?

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925 英語 – 課 3: 如何讓談話繼續下去

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在我們最後的 925 英語課, 我們研究如何開始 英語對話. 在本課中, 我們將學習如何讓對話繼續下去以及如何結束它.

罷工沒有意義 會話 如果你不能繼續下去,就和某人在一起. 但這涉及什麼? 我的意思是, 這不僅僅是提問和回答問題, 正確的? 所以, 我們可以說或做哪些事情來使對話自然地進行? 出色地, 我們保持對話繼續下去的一個重要方法是對某人所說的話表現出興趣. 除了學習如何讓對話持續下去, 我們也將考察表達興趣的語言, 改變話題並結束談話.

925 英語 將是一個針對初級和中級學習者的新商務英語播客. 925 英語課程將重點放在您可以在工作和商業中使用的語言塊和英語表達. 每 925 英語課程將以您可以在不同情況下使用的英語短語為特色,並提供關於為什麼以及如何使用它們的建議 商務英語.

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925 英語 – 課 2: 開始對話

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在今天的 925 英語課, we’re going to learn all about how to start a conversation in English.

Sometimes we call starting an 英語對話 “breaking the ice.” You can think of the “ice” as that initial silence between people. It could be between strangers on a plane or coworkers in a lunch room. And when we “break” the ice, we say something friendly to start a conversation. 那你該怎麼做? 你說什麼? And what topics are best?

925 英語 將是一個針對初級和中級學習者的新商務英語播客. 925 英語課程將重點放在您可以在工作和商業中使用的語言塊和英語表達. 每 925 英語課程將以您可以在不同情況下使用的英語短語為特色,並提供關於為什麼以及如何使用它們的建議 商務英語.

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