BEP 151 – 傳壞消息: 裁員 (部分 1)

This is the first of a two-part Business English Pod series on giving bad news and layoffs.

If a person getslaid off”, it means they will lose their job. But it’s not the same as being fired. Layoffs usually occur because of outside forces. A poor economy might cause a company to reduce its staff. Or changes in the industry may make some types of jobs unnecessary. After a merger, there might be redundancies, or duplicates. Two people may be doing the same type of job. If the company only needs one person in that position, the other could be laid off.

Nobody likes giving bad news. And a conversation about layoffs can become awkward and emotional. 那麼在這節課中, we’ll talk about ways to prepare an employee for bad news so that you can soften the shock. We’ll also cover ways to get to the point and how to respond to an angry or emotional employee. 最後, we’ll go over some language to clearly explain the reasons for a layoff.

Angela and David work at a hotel resort that is having some financial difficulties. Angela is a manager and David is the head chef at Zapata’s, one of the resort’s restaurants. 不幸, Angela has to tell David he’s being laid off.


1. Why has management decided to close 2 restaurants?
2. What type of food does Zapata’s serve?
3. 具體來說, why is Zapata’s closing?

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BEP 150 – 在多元文化團隊中工作 (部分 2)


這些日子, 與來自不同文化的人一起工作是很常見的. 您可能會與另一個國家或另一個大陸的同事會面. 世界各地的商業慣例各不相同. 有些文化比其他文化更正式. 有些人在問候上有獨特的習俗, 性別角色, 和食物. 因此,在與您的團隊見面之前,盡可能多地了解其他商業文化會很有幫助.

但即使你仔細研究過, 問題仍然可能出現, 尤其是在面對面的會議中. 可能會出現溝通不良的狀況, 需要澄清的要點, 以及關於商業環境中可接受的內容的不同想法.

今天, 我們將研究俚語和慣用語等問題, 時間概念, 地址形式, 以及文化造成的誤解. 我們還將討論開放互動並解釋不同的商業慣例.

在最後一集中, 我們遇到了曹明,一位跨國公司的美國經理. 原本來自中國, 明在紐約工作多年,現在前往巴西,領導一個研究團隊. 在離開之前,他做了一些背景閱讀,並與一位同事討論了巴西文化. 現在, 他將與他的新巴西隊進行第一次會面.


1. 明需要解釋哪兩個成語?
2. 卡拉在會議開始時提出什麼建議?
3. 為什麼費利佩會念錯明的名字?

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BEP 149 – 在多元文化團隊中工作 (部分 1)

This is the first in a two-part Business English Pod series on working in multicultural teams.

在現今世界裡, it’s common to work with people from different cultures. And since effective business depends on clear communication, it’s important to consider different aspects of culture. Your colleagues may do business differently than you do. 所以, knowing more about intercultural communication can help your work go more smoothly and avoid any misunderstandings.

在這一集, we’ll go over some points to consider for working in a multicultural team. We’ll look at general business culture, specific business customs, levels of formality, and local cultural awareness. And since food is often served in business settings, we’ll talk about that, too.

We’ll be listening to, a manager at a biotechnology company based in the United States. Although Ming is originally from China, he has worked for many years at the head office in New York and is now heading to Brazil to manage a team of international researchers. 在這一集, Ming is preparing for his trip by talking to a colleague, Tanya, who lived and worked in Brazil for 3 年份.


1. What has Ming heard about Curitiba?
2. What does Tanya say about relationships in Brazil?
3. What honorary title does Ming ask about?

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