技能 360 – Time Management 2: 學會說不

Management English - Time Management 2: Learning to Say No

歡迎回到 商務英語技能 360 今天課程的播客 時間管理 and the importance of saying “no.”

“No” is one of the most powerful words in the English language, 這是良好時間管理的關鍵之一. It might be odd to think that saying “no” is a skill, 因為聽起來很簡單. 但這是一種技能. 有些人似乎是與生俱來的. 別人學的. 無論哪種方式, 在管理企業和管理自己時,這是一項至關重要的能力.

只是為了清楚, when I talk about saying “no,” I’m talking generally about not taking on something new. 當我們這樣做時, we don’t simply say “no” to someone. 實際上, we’ve done a two-part series just on how to say “no” the right way! And if you want some tips on how to say “no” effectively, 這些教訓值得一看. 今天, 然而, I want to focus on why we need to say “no.”

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