BEP 292 – 實施計劃的英語搭配 (1)

商務英語播客 292 - 課程模組

歡迎回到商務英語播客今天的課程 英語搭配 related to implementing a plan.

在業務, good planning is important, whether you’re talking about a long-term strategy or a short-term project. But a plan itself means nothing without action. It’s not what you decide to do that matters, but what you actually do. And what you actually do with a plan is called “implementation.” Implementing a plan is all about deciding who will do what, and when they will do it.

在本課中, we’ll listen in on a meeting about how to implement a marketing plan. 在討論中, you’ll hear lots of useful expressions that we call “collocations.” A collocation is a natural combination or group of words. 例如, I’ve already used the collocation “to implement a plan.” We don’t say “do a plan” or “activate a plan.” The natural expression is “to implement a plan.”

Native speakers use collocations like this automatically, and you can learn to use them as well. 通過學習 英語搭配, 您將改善詞彙量,聽起來更加流利. 當您聽對話時, 嘗試挑選一些搭配,我們將在稍後的匯報中討論它們.

在對話方塊中, we’ll hear Carlos, 維夫, 拜倫, 和馬里昂. The small company they work for has just had a new marketing plan developed by a consulting company. Now they are meeting to figure out how to implement the plan.


1. Carlos asks for volunteers on one aspect of the plan. What exactly does he want the volunteers to do?
2. As there’s lot to do on the website, what does Byron need to do as the lead?
3. What is Carlos going to do in three weeks time?

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