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為什麼這麼難說 “沒有”? 出色地, 你當然要禮貌, 厚道, 和藹可親. 如果是你的老闆向你要東西, 你可能害怕失去青睞或機會. 如果是客戶或客戶要求某事, 你可能不想破壞關係.
但我想告訴你的是,在很多情況下你應該說不. 你應該知道怎麼說. 你需要清楚, 公司, 和誠實.
1. 你是否通常覺得很難說 “沒有” 當有人要求你做某事時?
2. 你說誰最難 “沒有” 至?
3. 你為什麼認為說 “沒有” 有時可能很困難?
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1. Most of time, refusing someone’s requirements is a little hard for me, even though I’m reluctant. So this article is a good topic for me to learn some important points for refusing agreeablely.
2. 出色地, for my relatives or my superior leaders, I always fail to say “沒有”.
3. Each of us want to be polite and agreeable, and do not want to shut the door in his/her face when they are asking you to help them out of a difficult situation. Also fearing that we would lose a good relationship.
1,有時, saying “no” to someone is very difficult for me. Especailly when my friends ask me to do something I don’t want to, it is really hard for me to say no. because I think refusing them will harm our relationship. 另一方面, I’ve no idea about how I can make it.
3,因為我們有太多的事情要關心. 我們並不清楚, 足夠堅定和誠實. 這篇文章讓我學到了很多. 下次當我想說不的時候, 我會堅定地說出來.
說「不」的技巧非常有用, 但拒絕總是一件冒險的事情, 因為這在很大程度上取決於你拒絕的人的性格.