電子郵件調整 01 – 商務英語電子郵件

今天, 我們將在 用英語寫電子郵件: 電子郵件調整

Youtube 視頻

每個視頻都將包含來自我們一位成員的真實電子郵件的評論. 查看電子郵件的背景和內容之後, 然後,我們將通過分析以下內容來了解我們可以做出哪些改進: 3 主要標準:

1. 機械學 – 語法, 標點, 電子郵件的拼寫和佈局.
2. 樣式 – 詞彙的使用和句子的結構方式.
3. 音 – 總體印象, 或感覺, 文字創造.

查看和編輯電子郵件後, 我們將介紹一些改善寫作的技巧,然後完成寫作任務,以便您練習.

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12 thoughts on “Email Tune-up 01 – 商務英語電子郵件”

  1. This is exactly what I was looking for! This is a fantastic idea! Could you please add some more?

  2. Hi I love this idea ,
    It would give me invaluable source of ideas to improve my business writing skills. I would like to see more video podcasts like this.

  3. I really enjoyed this kind of exercise. 然而, I could not get acess to the answers as shown on the video. Can you help me with that?
    非常感謝 .

  4. It is definitely a great source for English teachers as well as for language learners. All the materials chosen from learners themselves are authentic and meaningful. The analysis based on the three main criteria is also clear and helpful. Very good job, indeed! 謝謝!


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