BEP 54 – 客戶服務: 處理投訴 2: 解決投訴

這是由兩部分組成的商務英語播客系列的第二部分 透過電話處理憤怒的顧客. 在今天的節目中,我們將研究如何解決客戶的投訴.

首先快速回顧一下: 在第一部分中,我們學習了安撫憤怒的顧客並處理他們的投訴的前三個步驟: 第一的, 我們需要透過表現出同理心來承認他們的情緒. 第二, 我們應該確定他們問題的背景,以便我們可以採取正確的步驟來解決它. 第三個, 我們應該積極傾聽,向他們表明我們關心他們.

我們上次停下來的地方, 沙, 大華飯店前台服務助理, 剛剛確定了史蒂夫的問題. 讓我們繼續聽聽Sandy如何解決投訴.


1) 桑迪如何表明他正在積極傾聽史蒂夫的講話?
2) 史蒂夫需要什麼?
3) 桑迪採取什麼步驟來確保史蒂夫對通話結果感到滿意?

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7 關於「BEP」的思考 54 – 客戶服務: 處理投訴 2: 解決投訴”

  1. Í wonder if I´ll be able to download the audios and the activities to my notebook so that I can teach my in-company students offline, not connected to the net.

  2. All the podcasts can be downloaded as MP3 files directly from the BEP site or using free software such as iTunes or Juice.

    The activities can’t be downloaded but you should be able to display them offline on your laptop by simply loading each page separately and keeping the pages open. The functionality of the activities will not be affected (即. answers can be scored). You’d also need to play any audio files in the exercises before you go offline. As long as you don’t close the page, both the audio and exercise should work fine offline.

  3. I am an student from Columbia university and love this Podcast. I have listened many of your lessons and will be coming more regular.Thank you.

  4. Good Podcast. 是的, three steps necessary for resolving a complaint to the customers satisfaction.
    1. Listen with empathy
    2. Clarify problem, ask customer to listen to your understanding to make sure you have got it right.
    3. Offer up various solutions and let the customer be actively involved in selecting the solution that suits him/her best.

    This should resolve the complaint very well indeed!

  5. 1. He has repeated all request of customwer with very calm and polite tone.
    2. Steve need to change his uncomfortable and freezing room.
    3. The Staff has given choice for customer and a complementary product like cup of tea and good variaty of room which was aprorpiate for him.


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