BEP 336 – Tiếng Anh để Thảo luận về Quản lý Thay đổi (2)

BEP 336 - Business English Collocations for Discussing Change Management (2)

Chào mừng bạn quay trở lại với Business English Pod cho bài học hôm nay về Tiếng Anh used to discuss change management.

In the 21st century the pace of change is very fast. And businesses have to fight to keep up, to adapt to changes in both the world and the economy. In meeting rooms around the world, people are debating issues of change. How do we attract and retain millennials? How do we make good use of emerging media? How do we become more efficient? How can we outsource? The list of questions goes on and on.

Trong bài học hôm nay, we’ll listen to a meeting in a company that has experienced a lot of growth. But with success comes growing pains. They’re talking about restructuring their company, and trying to figure out exactly how to go about it.

Trong cuộc thảo luận của họ, you’ll hear many English expressions that we call “các cụm từ.” Một cụm từ là sự kết hợp tự nhiên của các từ. Ví dụ, you’ll hear people talking about making asmooth transition.We don’t saysofttransition orcleantransition. Native English speakers always saysmooth transitionbecause that’s what they grew up hearing, so now it’s a natural collocation.

Even if you didn’t grow up with English, you can learn these natural expressions. Bằng cách học tập các cụm từ tiếng Anh thương mại, bạn sẽ cải thiện vốn từ vựng của mình và nghe trôi chảy hơn. Khi bạn nghe hộp thoại, cố gắng chọn ra một vài trong số những ảnh ghép này và chúng tôi sẽ thảo luận về chúng sau.

Trong hộp thoại, we’ll hear Lauren, Phần Lan, and Jake. They’re trying to determine how to take the company they founded to the next level. Đặc biệt, they’re talking about how to involve company employees in their discussions about change.

Câu hỏi nghe

1. According to Finn, what do they need to show employees rather than just telling them?
2. Besides talking to employees, what does Lauren think they will need to assess?
3. What does Jake say they will do during the “discussion phase” of the process?

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