Kỹ năng 360 – Lời khuyên cho cuộc phỏng vấn việc làm đầu tiên của bạn: Những câu hỏi khó

Chào đón trở lại Kỹ năng kinh doanh 360 – podcast nhìn về khía cạnh khác của tiếng Anh thương mại.

This is the fourth and final part in our 360 loạt bài về cuộc phỏng vấn xin việc đầu tiên của bạn. Today we’re going to tackle a few of those really tough questions that interviewers like to ask.

Getting ready. That’s the key. You need to spend time preparing for your interview and crafting good answers to the questions you’re going to face. I’ll go through five common difficult questions today and you can prepare your answers.

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10 suy nghĩ về “Kỹ năng 360 – Lời khuyên cho cuộc phỏng vấn việc làm đầu tiên của bạn: Những câu hỏi khó”

  1. Tim, thanks for the tips. last time I was asked the question ”cho tôi biết về bản thân của bạn” I didn’t realize what the interviewer meant to say and I got surprised why would he like to know about my personal life? I was like divided whether to talk about myself or let him discover the of person Iam. But now it is clearer that he wanted to know my plans whithin the company if I was hired.

    Cảm ơn!

  2. You got it right! preparation is the key to every job interview and I can prove that based on my experience. Well I was kind of surprise when the interviewee asked me question that I didn’t expect that would come up, may mắn thay, I was able to think about something and I don’t know if that answer is correct. I guess I wasn’t good enough for that position because I haven’t got the job. But I still don’t lose hope and I would definitely follow your tips and to look on back on my mistakes from my previous job interview. Giữ nó lên!

  3. Thank you so much for the informationThis really helps me in my interview todayI take note all the tips that you given and it really helps me in my job interview today..And I am happy to announce that i am hired!!

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