Đây là thứ hai ít hơn trong loạt video mới của chúng tôi: Điều chỉnh email. Trong video tiếng Anh hôm nay, chúng tôi kiểm tra một loại email rất phổ biến – yêu cầu phản hồi về một tài liệu.
Mỗi bài học video có đánh giá về một email thực tế từ một trong các thành viên của chúng tôi. Sau khi xem xét nền và nội dung của email, sau đó chúng tôi sẽ xem những cải tiến nào chúng tôi có thể thực hiện bằng cách phân tích văn bản theo 3 tiêu chí chính: cơ khí, phong cách và giai điệu.
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Công việc tuyệt vời. This is what I was searching for. a real time trainner with fool proof tips to behave in a bussiness environment
Great job overall. Nhưng…… never ever lose sight of the fact that every piece of material,examples etc. should be strongly connected or,even better, directly taken from real life situations! That way, you produce the absolutely best results for your audience. I have to mention this explicitly because a number of other sites semm to be lacking this quality.
Đúng, this is an important point. All the emails we use for Email Tune-up are original examples from actual listeners. The only information we have changed are the names and any other information that might identify the company.
As a rule, we base all our podcast scenarios on real life examples (Đúng, that even includes bizarre situations like selling mining equipment to Chinese engineers in a railway tunnel – the chap that wrote that script actually spent Christmas day in the said railway tunnel!).
Many of these examples come from our personal experiences and others are drawn from situations that learners have experienced. We welcome all suggestions from listeners, so please feel welcome to share your ideas.
Xin chào – I’ve come across your site and have really enjoyed the lessons. I am curious about one of the corrections (or lack thereof) made to the e-mail in this video. The e-mail starts with “I should be glad if…” Why was no correction made to change/remove the word “should”? Starting the sentence, “I would be glad if…” hoặc “I’d be glad if…” is correct. “I should…” indicates a suggestion or advice one would give to themselves and doesn’t not signal a request or desire for action from others.