Bản tin kinh doanh 11 – Khởi chạy iPhone

Của chúng tôi Ứng dụng tiếng Anh thương mại for iPhone/iPad/Touch is now live in the App Store: Tải xuống

Hôm nay, were talking about Apple’s new mobile phone: the iPhone. Actually it’s a combination of phone, iPod and internet browser all rolled into one gadget. We’ll be looking at the hypeor massive publicitysurrounding the launch of the iPhone and taking a closer look at the marketing vocabulary we use to describe product launches and the retail market.

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9 thoughts on “Business News 11 – Khởi chạy iPhone”

  1. Hi Dominique,
    Great to hear the podcast is useful.
    Let us know if there are any topics you’d like to see covered in future podcastswe’re always interested in suggestions from listeners.

  2. phản hồi: Tiếng Anh thương mại :: Podcast tiếng Anh thương mại dành cho chuyên gia » Bản tin kinh doanh 11 (Bảng điểm) - Khởi chạy iPhone

  3. I’m a new commer here. And I’m trying to improve my listenning. So this web is so useful although I must say that I’m really not good at listening. Perhaph anyone could tell me how to listen well. Thank so much.

  4. phản hồi: My recording « Tttphan’s Weblog

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