BEP 48 – Gọi điện lạnh: Xử lý các phản đối và kết thúc cuộc gọi

This is the last in our three-part Business English Podcast series on cold calling. Trong bài học hôm nay, you’ll learn how to deal with several typical kinds of objections that a potential customer might raise.

When Steve first asked for an appointment, Linda didn’t agree right away, did she? As you know, it’s normal for even a good prospect to give you one or two negative responses, so it’s important to be ready to deal with these and “turn them around” skillfully.

Today we’ll be listening to the last part of the cold calling dialogue between Linda and Steve. Khi bạn lắng nghe, pay attention to how Steve turns around Linda’s objections.

Câu hỏi nghe

1. When Steve asks for an appointment, what is Linda’s first response?
2. What is Linda’s second objection?
3. How does Steve deal with Linda’s objections?

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1 suy nghĩ về “BEP 48 – Gọi điện lạnh: Xử lý các phản đối và kết thúc cuộc gọi”

  1. I just love the materials here! It can almost be called as ‘An idiot’s guide towards Sales English’. If only there could be an ebook summarising all the sales part. Cũng thế, it might be a bit out-dated, so it would be perfect if it included more up-to-date situations, ví dụ. the real recordings of telephone English. But that’s a lot of work.

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