
BEP 79 – Travel: Otel Rezervasyonu Yapma

Today's Business English Podcast lesson is on making a hotel reservation.

Ocak 6, 2008

BEP 67 – Socializing with Colleagues at Work

This is the fourth in a series of business English podcasts that focus on travel English. Özellikle, we'll cover…

Eylül 22, 2007

BEP 66 – Meslektaşlarla Çalışmak ve Talepte Bulunmak

Bu İş İngilizcesi Podcast dersinde, we continue our series on English for business travel and office work with a…

Eylül 15, 2007

BEP 56 - İş seyahati 2: Gümrük işleri ve Göçmenlik

Continuing our series on business travel, we rejoin Alan and Honesto on their business trip to the USA. in today's…

Haziran 30, 2007

BEP 55 - İş seyahati: Havaalanı Kalkış ve Kalkış

This Business English Podcast lesson is the first in a series of shows that will follow an employee of a…

Haziran 29, 2007

BEP 26 – Travel: Bağlantılı Uçuşlar ve Seyahat Sorunları

In this Business English Podcast we're going to look at the language used for more direct requests.

Aralık 30, 2006

BEP 25 – Travel: Havaalanında Check-in Yapma ve Kibar Taleplerde Bulunma

In this two-part Business English Podcast series, we will be looking at the ESL vocabulary used when traveling by air,

Aralık 17, 2006