VV 18 – Pazarlama İngilizcesi Kelime Bilgisi: Marka (Parça 1)

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BEP 156 – Sosyalleşmek için İngilizce: Ağ oluşturma (Parça 2)

This is the second of a two-part Business English Pod lesson on business networking.

Networking is all about people and connections. You never know when someone you meet at a conference or trade show may be able to help your business in the future. Aynı şekilde, you may be able to help someone else out. So building and maintaining a network of business contacts is essential.

But once you meet a prospective contact, how do you maintain that connection? This is what we’ll focus on today. We’ll talk about ways to steer a conversation toward a lead. We’ll also cover ways to shoot for a meeting and be persistent. And we’ll look at the other side and discuss ways to politely leave a conversation.

Today’s lesson is mainly about sales, but these functions can be easily applied to other situations.

Son kez, we met Ian, a sales rep for a pharmaceutical company, and Marissa, a pharmacy manager at Children’s Hospital. They met at a conference and Marissa mentioned her frustration with her current pharmaceutical supplier. Deliveries are often late and are sometimes packaged incorrectly. She’s concerned about getting supplies for her hospital’s vaccine clinics. And that’s where the conversation resumes today.

Dinleme Soruları

1. What supplies does Marissa’s pharmacy need?
2. Why does Ian suggest grabbing a cup of coffee?
3. What is Marissa’s schedule like right now?

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BEP 153 – Yönetim İngilizcesi: Takımınızı motive etmek (1)

Management English - Motivating your Team 1

Bu iki bölümden ilki İş ingilizcesi Ekibinizi motive etmeye yönelik pod dizisi.

Motivasyon, iş dünyasında önemli bir güçtür. Başarıya ulaşan şeylerin çoğu bir ekibin motivasyonuna bağlıdır. Çalışanlar bir proje hakkında kendilerini enerjik hissettiklerinde, fikirlere katkıda bulunma ve başarıya ulaşmak için daha çok çalışma olasılıkları daha yüksektir. Ama motive olmazlarsa, onların taahhüdü – ve başarı şansı – azaltmak.

Ara sıra, motivasyona ulaşmak zordur. Yetersiz ekonomi veya küçülme gibi koşullar çalışanların moralini bozabilir, veya iyimserlik. Çalışanlar mağlup hissedebilir, gelecekleri hakkında belirsiz, ve önümüzdeki iş için hiç heyecanlanmadım.

Bu derste, takımınızı motive etmenin bazı yollarına bakacağız. Bir ekibi engelleyebilecek engelleri nasıl kabul edeceğimizi tartışacağız.. Coşku ifade etmenin ve insanlara değer verildiğini hissettirmenin yollarını ele alacağız. Ekip üyelerinin tartışma ve beyin fırtınası.

Bugün Joe dinleyeceğiz, bir tatil köyünün yöneticisi, satış ekibini motive etmeye çalışın. Bölüm önemli ölçüde küçültülmüş ve moral düşük. yine, yapacak önemli işleri var.

Dinleme Soruları:

1. Joe neden takımın şimdi farklı göründüğünü söylüyor?
2. Carl ne öneriyor??
3. Nick’in fikri nedir?

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BEP 152 – Kötü Haber Vermek: İşten çıkarmalar (Parça 2)

This is the second of a two-part Business English Pod series on giving bad news and and discussing layoffs.

When employees are laid off, they usually have questions about what will happen next. When is their last day? What support can they expect? And what about a severance package? This compensation package often includes both money and some extension of benefits, but varies from company to company or even from employee to employee.

Bu derste, we’ll cover language you can use after an employee has been notified of a layoff. We’ll go over ways to explain what will happen next and how to explain a severance package. We’ll also talk about ways to show empathy and offer support to a laid-off employee.

Son bölümde, we met Angela, a manager at a resort and David, the head chef at Zapata’s, a restaurant at the resort that is closing. Angela has told David that he will be laid off. Now they’ll discuss the details.

Dinleme Soruları

1. Name two parts of David’s severance package.
2. What will happen to David’s health insurance?
3. How does Angela offer to help David in his job search?

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BEP 151 – Kötü Haber Vermek: İşten çıkarmalar (Parça 1)

This is the first of a two-part Business English Pod series on giving bad news and layoffs.

If a person getslaid off”, it means they will lose their job. But it’s not the same as being fired. Layoffs usually occur because of outside forces. A poor economy might cause a company to reduce its staff. Or changes in the industry may make some types of jobs unnecessary. After a merger, there might be redundancies, or duplicates. Two people may be doing the same type of job. If the company only needs one person in that position, the other could be laid off.

Nobody likes giving bad news. And a conversation about layoffs can become awkward and emotional. Yani bu derste, we’ll talk about ways to prepare an employee for bad news so that you can soften the shock. We’ll also cover ways to get to the point and how to respond to an angry or emotional employee. Nihayet, we’ll go over some language to clearly explain the reasons for a layoff.

Angela and David work at a hotel resort that is having some financial difficulties. Angela is a manager and David is the head chef at Zapata’s, one of the resort’s restaurants. Maalesef, Angela has to tell David he’s being laid off.

Dinleme Soruları

1. Why has management decided to close 2 restoranlar?
2. What type of food does Zapata’s serve?
3. özellikle, why is Zapata’s closing?

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