925 İngilizce dersi 21 – İngilizce Teklif Verme

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bugünkü 925 İngilizce video ders, we’re going to learn how to make an offer in English.

There’s give and take in every relationship. And giving involves making an offer. It might be something simple like offering a cup of coffee. Or it might be something big like help with a project.

In some situationslike offering a drinkwe can make the offer very directly. One common way to do this is with the word “can.” So you can ask a question, like “Can I help you with that?” Or you can make a statement, like “I can get you a cup of coffee if you want.”

925 İngilizce bir kurs İngilizce video Başlangıç ​​seviyesinde İngilizce öğrenenler için dersler. İle 925 İşte ve işte kullanmak için iş İngilizcesi ifadelerini öğrenebileceğin İngilizce dersleri.

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