BEP 116 – Presentations: Analyzing Trends

In this Business English Pod episode, we’ll be completing our discussion of charts and graphs by studying language for making predictions and for supporting your predictions with analysis. We’ll also look at a couple of advanced ways to rhetorically emphasize a point. Rhetorical means using words effectively to get your message across.

Today’s listening continues Pat’s presentation of the market trends for Ambient and its competitors. This time Pat is coming to the “real story” – the main point – of his presentation. As you listen, see if you can catch what it is.

Listening Questions

1) What is the main focus of this part of Pat’s presentation?
2) What happened in 2005 that caused the trend in RPU to “break out” of “existing trend lines?”
3) What are Pat’s predictions for Ambient’s RPU in 2007?

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BEP 115 – Presentations: Describing Trends

In this episode from our e-Book on presenting in English, we’ll look at how to describe the trends show by a chart or graph. To get the background to the presentation and to review language for introducing visuals, you can refer back to BEP 103 – Charts and Trends 1.

A trend is the general direction or tendency of a metric or measurement – upward, downward, flat, fluctuating, peaking, bottoming out, and so on. So, you’ll be learning how to use these and many more terms for describing your charts and graphs in fluent, vivid sentences so that you can present your data with maximum impact.

Pat, Ambient’s new Central European finance director, has just finished talking about sales revenue and is now moving on to discuss market share. The visual he will be talking about is a line graph that compares the trends in market share over the last six quarters from Q1 2006 to Q2 2007. His discussion centers on the top three players in the mobile phone business – his own company, Ambient, and their two top competitors, CallTell and Sirus.

As you listen, pay attention to the trend language that Pat uses to describe the recent changes in the market.

Listening Questions

1) Which company has the largest share of the market at the beginning of 2006?
2) How does Pat describe his own company’s performance in 2006?
3) How big is the “others” group share of the market in Spring 2007?

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BEP 114 – Job Interview English: HR Review of Candidates

BEP 114 - job interview listening

As part of our series on job interviews, in this Business English Pod episode we’ll be taking a closer look at the process from the HR perspective. Specifically, we’ll be studying the language of reaching a decision about whom to hire.

A Brazilian business unit of fast moving consumer goods company Fun Beverages has recently interviewed several people for an HR manager position. Now the regional HR director, Ted, and the business unit general manager, George, are meeting to discuss the short-listed, or final, candidates.

As you listen, pay attention to the language they use to compare the two interviewees and to decide which one is the best fit. In addition, we’ll study how they support a candidate, emphasize priorities, express reservations (or second thoughts), and suggest action.

Listening Questions:

1. Which candidate do they prefer and why?
2. What are the relative strengths and weaknesses of the two main candidates, Ronaldo and Yala?
3. What are the main reservations about Yala?

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BEP 113 – Job Interviews: Second Round Interviews

BEP 113 - job interview English lesson

Continuing our series on english for job interviews, in this lesson were going to look at what happens when is you’re asked back for a second round interview.

Congratulations! You were successful in your first job round interview, and you have been called back for a second interview. What should you expect? The key word is more – there will be more questions, more pressure – and, of course, more likelihood that you will get the job.

An important function of second-round job interviews is to find out whether we fit with the employer’s company culture.

In this lesson of English for interviews, we’ll study how to demonstrate that we are a good match with an organization. In addition, we’ll review some other useful second-round interview skills, such as summarizing the previous discussion and referring to something you forgot to mention earlier.

We’ll listen to Sherry’s second interview with a big international accounting firm, Grimshaw and Keene (GK). The interviewer is George Tan, an Asia-Pacific key account manager.

As you listen, pay attention to how George and Sherry establish that she is a good fit for the organization, and try to answer the following listening questions.

Listening Questions:

1. George describes GK as both “high-pressure” and “tremendously rewarding,” but he is concerned about whether or not Sherry is ready to “take the plunge.” What does he mean by that?
2. What does Sherry say is one of the things that most attracts her to GK?
3. What is George’s major concern about Sherry’s work experience?

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BEP 110 – Job Interview English: Stress Questions

BEP 110 - Job Interview English: Stress Questions

As we’ve discussed in other episodes on English job interviews, one goal of the person conducting the interview is to get you to “let your guard down.” Often, after a series of “warm-up questions,” the interviewer will give you a tough question. This will likely come “out of the blue,” that is, unexpectedly. We call these types of questions “stress questions” because part of the intention is to see how you react under pressure.

Common types of stress questions range from problems, such as how to solve a business case study or even a mathematics question, to “behavioral questions,” such as how to deal with imaginary work situation involving conflict or communication.

The key with this type of question is “Don’t panic!” which is the theme of this episode. We’ll be looking at strategies and language that will help you deal with this type of query coolly and calmly.

Listening Questions (Good Example):

1. What is the interviewer’s “stress question?”
2. What does Yala do to give herself some thinking time?
3. How does Yala answer the question?

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