BEP 243 – Debriefing a Project (Part 1)

Project Management English

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on debriefing a project in English.

Every project has its ups and downs, its successes and its problems. But every company hopes it can get better with each new project, and avoid the problems of previous undertakings. So how can we do that? How can we improve what we can do at the project level?

Well, we talk about it. When a project, an experience, or a venture is complete, we need to discuss what went well and what didn’t go so well. And through this discussion, we learn. We find out why we succeeded in some areas and why we failed in others. Sometimes we call this “debriefing” a project. And the point of this debriefing is to learn how to do a better job the next time around.

In this lesson on discussing the outcome of a project, we’ll learn lots of useful collocations. Collocations can help you sound more natural in English, but what exactly is a collocation? Well, a collocation is a group of words that English speakers often use in combination. Correct collocations sound natural. For example, we say “make a mistake.” But incorrect collocations are sound unnatural. For example, people would find it strange if you said “do a mistake” or “take a mistake.” As you listen to the dialog, try to pick out some of these expressions and we’ll go through them later in our own debrief.

In the dialog, we’re going to hear a conversation between Dean and Michelle. Their company has recently finished a project to expand a production facility, and now they’re talking about how the project went. In other words, they’re debriefing the project.

Listening Questions

1. What were the successes of the project?
2. What were two causes of delays on the project?
3. What does Michelle say she’d like to see in their company?

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Business English News 26 – 2013 in Review


As we usher in the New Year, it’s worth taking a moment to see how this year’s major business themes have played out. While smatterings of growth and dips in unemployment have brought relative stability to Europe and the US, analysts at Nomura foresee policy changes that may reshape global prosperity in the long-term.

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Skills 360 – Defending your Ideas (Part 2)

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Welcome back to Skills 360 for today’s lesson on how to defend yourself and your ideas.

One of the tough things in business is that you’re not just dealing with ideas and rational decisions. You’re dealing with people. And people don’t always take a cool and logical approach to things, even if you do. They get emotional about ideas and worked up about disagreement. And you might get that way too. Passion is a good thing, but too much negative emotion is counterproductive. So how can we manage people’s emotions while continuing to defend ourselves?

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Skills 360 – Defending your Ideas (Part 1)

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Welcome back to Skills 360 for today’s lesson on how to defend yourself and your ideas in a competitive world.

Some people might think that good ideas will win the day, simply because they’re good ideas. But it’s not that simple. If you’ve got good ideas, you’re going to have to convince people of their value. And you’ll definitely have to defend them against all the people out to criticize or compete with you. It’s a dog eat dog world, as they say, and you want to make sure you’re not the dinner.

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