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BEP 119 – Telephoning: Making an Appointment

In this Business English Podcast, we’ll be looking at the language used to make appointments on the telephone.

We live in the era of remote communication: teleconferencing, videoconferencing, and online meetings. More and more group efforts are getting done from a distance. In theory, at least, it’s possible to work closely with anyone in the world without leaving our desks. Nevertheless, there’s something about a face-to-face meeting that no virtual one can replace. We still need to shake people’s hands, read their body language, and make personal connections. That’s why – even today – one of the commonest uses for the telephone is to make appointments. In this episode, we’ll take a close look at making appointments on the phone.

Gordon Knight works for Bridgewater, a U.S. pension fund. (Pension funds are institutions that invest retirement savings.) At a recent conference, Gordon met Penny Yip, a senior financial analyst for the Asia Markets office of Solomon-Clyde. Solomon is a boutique – or small and specialized – global investment company that deals only with institutional customers – very large clients, like Bridgewater. Now, Gordon plans to be in Malaysia, and he phones Penny to set up an appointment to discuss possibilities for investment.

Listening Questions:

1. Where and when does Gordon say he met Penny?
2. When does Gordon suggest meeting with Penny?
3. Why does he want to meet with Penny?
4. What time do they finally agree on?

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BVP 04 Vocabulary – Discussing a Project in English

When you think of projects, what comes to mind? You might think of something quite complicated and extensive, like the new office project we’ll be hearing about today. But in fact, most of the tasks we do in business are part of a project. Even something as simple as writing a proposal is a project in itself: First you collect data, then you analyze and evaluate the data before writing a draft. Finally, you edit the draft proposal and present a final version to the decision-makers. So knowing how to refer to different elements of a project and describe them with interesting collocations is important for practically everyone involved in business today.

Following on from our two video podcasts on basic vocabulary for project management (VV 07 & VV 08), today we’re going to listen in to a briefing by Kerri, the manager of a direct marketing company, and Martina, a member of her staff. We’ll be focusing on collocations useful for describing a project and its execution.

Listening Questions:

1) What does Kerri want Martina to do for the company?
2) How much time will Martina have to complete this project?
3) What does Kerri promise to do to make Martina’s work easier?

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VV 08 – Project Management Vocabulary (Part 2)

YouTube video

Video Vocab is a series of short videos explaining the meaning of important business terms related to many of the topics that are part of every day business conversations.

We continue our look at the vocabulary related to project management by looking at the words used to describe a project timeline. First we’ll hear a short article introducing the topic and then we’ll go though each word in detail with some example sentences to show how you can use the words. At the end of the video you’ll have a chance to review practice your new vocabulary.

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VV 07 – Project Management Vocabulary (Part 1)

YouTube video

Video Vocab is a series of English videos explaining the meaning of important business terms related to many of the topics that are part of every day business conversations.

Today we’re looking at business words related to projects and project management. First we’ll hear a short article introducing the topic and then we’ll go though each word in detail with some example sentences to show how you can use the words. At the end of the video you’ll have a chance to review practice your new vocabulary.

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BEP 118 – Negotiations: Declining an Offer

Negotiations don’t always go according to plan. Disagreement is part of life. But to build lasting relationships, coping with failure is even more important than celebrating success. So in this show, we’ll examine a deal that does not get completed. We’ll look at making a final offer as well as expressing dissatisfaction and regret. In particular, we’ll focus on maintaining goodwill even when talks break down.

Peter is the owner of mobile phone ringtone and game provider, Textacular. He is in discussions with Maxine about buying her company, Gamester. Eventually, Peter wants to sell his business to a larger, regional service provider for a profit, so he is attempting to roll up or buy other small companies to increase the value of his business. But Maxine wants €15 million for her business, and Peter isn’t prepared to pay that much.

As you listen, pay attention to how Peter makes a final offer, how Maxine declines it, and how they both work to maintain goodwill.

Listening Questions

1) What are Maxine’s reasons for staying firm on price?
2) What does Peter say to justify not being able to pay more?
3) How does Maxine leave open the possibility for future cooperation?

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BEP 117 – Negotiations: Clarifying and Evaluating Positions

In this Business English Pod lesson we’re going to look at how to clarify and evaluate positions during a negotiation.

An important part of any discussion is making our position clear; at the same time, we must make sure we understand the other side’s point of view. Achieving mutual understanding can help us save money by avoiding missed opportunities. In addition, the ultimate goal of any negotiation is to create value. Therefore, evaluation – determining whether an offer or position is good or bad – plays an important role. So in this show we’ll study stating, clarifying, and evaluating positions.

Peter is the owner of mobile phone ringtone and game provider, Textacular. He is attempting to roll up, or buy, other small companies like his in an effort to increase the value of his company. Eventually, he wants to sell his business to a larger, regional service provider for a profit. In the listening, he is meeting with Maxine, owner of Gamester, to discuss a possible merger. As you listen, pay attention to how they clarify and evaluate each other’s positions.

Listening Questions

1) What is the basic source of disagreement between Maxine and Peter?
2) What are Maxine’s reasons for insisting on her price?
3) What does Peter mean when he says he has done “months of due diligence?”

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Welcome to Business English Pod: The Business English trainer you can put in your pocket. Download over 450 MP3 and video podcast lessons on essential language for meetings, presentations, telephoning, negotiations, travel, socializing and lots more. Make real progress with your language skills using the detailed study notes and online activities available to members.

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BEP 116 – Presentations: Analyzing Trends

In this Business English Pod episode, we’ll be completing our discussion of charts and graphs by studying language for making predictions and for supporting your predictions with analysis. We’ll also look at a couple of advanced ways to rhetorically emphasize a point. Rhetorical means using words effectively to get your message across.

Today’s listening continues Pat’s presentation of the market trends for Ambient and its competitors. This time Pat is coming to the “real story” – the main point – of his presentation. As you listen, see if you can catch what it is.

Listening Questions

1) What is the main focus of this part of Pat’s presentation?
2) What happened in 2005 that caused the trend in RPU to “break out” of “existing trend lines?”
3) What are Pat’s predictions for Ambient’s RPU in 2007?

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BEP 115 – Presentations: Describing Trends

In this episode from our e-Book on presenting in English, we’ll look at how to describe the trends show by a chart or graph. To get the background to the presentation and to review language for introducing visuals, you can refer back to BEP 103 – Charts and Trends 1.

A trend is the general direction or tendency of a metric or measurement – upward, downward, flat, fluctuating, peaking, bottoming out, and so on. So, you’ll be learning how to use these and many more terms for describing your charts and graphs in fluent, vivid sentences so that you can present your data with maximum impact.

Pat, Ambient’s new Central European finance director, has just finished talking about sales revenue and is now moving on to discuss market share. The visual he will be talking about is a line graph that compares the trends in market share over the last six quarters from Q1 2006 to Q2 2007. His discussion centers on the top three players in the mobile phone business – his own company, Ambient, and their two top competitors, CallTell and Sirus.

As you listen, pay attention to the trend language that Pat uses to describe the recent changes in the market.

Listening Questions

1) Which company has the largest share of the market at the beginning of 2006?
2) How does Pat describe his own company’s performance in 2006?
3) How big is the “others” group share of the market in Spring 2007?

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