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Business English eBooks

Choose from five popular eBooks covering essential Business English Skills.

Each e-book contains:

  • MP3 audio lessons including an introduction to the topic, a role-play demonstrating the target language, a detailed explanation of the language with further examples, and speaking practice drills.
  • PDF study notes with a full transcript of each lesson, extra vocabulary and language exercises.
  • Online interactive exercises including listening quizzes, language and vocabulary practice and flashcards.

All e-books are Free for all Premium Members and can be purchased by non-members for $19.95 each or just $29.95 for both e-books.

or Premium Members: click an e-book cover to open the page and download the files using the content table at the bottom of the page.

Meetings Essentials for ESL e-Book features MP3 audio, PDF and online lessons on the following essentials English skills for business meetings:

  • Expressing opinions in meetings
  • Agreeing
  • Disagreeing
  • Making suggestions
  • Accepting or rejecting suggestions
  • Clarifying what was said
  • Clarifying what was meant
  • Charing a meeting – starting off
  • Chairing a meeting – managing the discussion
  • Interrupting and resisting interruption
  • Finishing up and action points

Presenting for Success for ESL e-Book features MP3 audio, PDF and online lessons on the following essentials English skills for business presentations:

  • Introducing your presentation
  • Signposting your presentation
  • Describing visuals and charts
  • Talking about trends and rates of change
  • Interpreting trends – making predictions
  • Using your voice
  • Pausing and stress
  • Summarizing and finishing off
  • Starting the Q&A
  • Answering questions
  • Redirecting questions

Business English News 29 – Wearable Technology

BEN 29 - Wearable technology

In today’s Business English News lesson, we look at the battle for the wearable technology throne. From watches to glasses, and clothing to health monitoring, the possibilities are seemingly endless for wearable tech. ‘Wearables’ refers to the electronic technologies or computers incorporated into watches, contact lenses, eyewear, bracelets, rings, clothing and more ”” all designed to be worn on the body.

Free Resources: PDF Transcript | Online Practice | Mobile Quizzes

Download: Podcast MP3

VV 40 – Financial English Vocabulary: Stocks and Shares (2)

YouTube video

In this Financial English vocabulary lesson, we’ll learn how stocks trade at a certain level, how they close at the end of the day, and how investors bid on shares. This may involve strategies such as short selling and flash trading. We will also cover ideas such as bear markets and bull markets and find out what a blue chip stock is.

Premium Members: PDF Transcript | Quizzes | MP3 Audio Only

Download: Podcast Video

VV 39 – Financial English Vocabulary: Stocks and Shares (1)

YouTube video

In this lesson, we’ll look at financial English vocabulary related to stocks and shares, which are one of several types of securities that are listed on exchanges. We’ll explore ideas such as brokers and brokerages, as well as stock indexes, initial public offerings, or IPOs and dividends.

Premium Members: PDF Transcript | Quizzes | MP3 Audio Only

Download: Podcast Video

Successful Job Interviews

English for Job Interviews eBook features MP3 audio, PDF and online quizzes on language and skills for succeeding in a job interview in English.

English Job Interviews eBook Course

  • Key Points to Consider for Job Interviews
  • Getting Started & Small Talk
  • Talking about your Previous Experience
  • Vivid Language for Describing your Abilities
  • Describing your Greatest Accomplishments
  • Discussing your Weaknesses
  • Handling Tough Questions
  • Asking the Interviewer Questions
  • Second Round Interviews
  • Comparing Candidates Abilities and Skills
  • Negotiating your Salary

Members: click a link below to view and download files (right-click to save to your computer).

Successful Job Interviews
Complete Set/ZIP
Course Introduction
Previous Experience 1
Previous Experience 2
Accomplishments 1
Accomplishments 2
Asking Questions
Stress Questions
2nd Round Interview
Discussing Candidates
Salary Negotiation

Skills 360 – Building a Better Vocabulary (Part 2)

*** Get all the Skills 360 lessons in our free Business English App for iPhone & iPad:
Download from the App Store

Welcome back to the Skills 360 for today’s lesson on how to improve your English vocabulary.

So, you’ve found some great resources for studying English that suit your purpose. You’ve got a variety of listening and reading material chock full of great words and expressions that you want to learn to use. But how do you do it? How do you take those words and expressions and not only remember them but also make them an active part of your working vocabulary? Well, there are several things to keep in mind, and a few key techniques that you can use, as we’ll see today.

Free Resources: Transcript | Quizzes | PDF Transcript

Download: Podcast MP3

Successful Negotiations

English for Negotiations eBook, features over 4-hours of MP3 audio lessons covering business English skills of negotiating in English. Each lesson is accompanied by a detailed set of PDF study notes, including a full transcript, vocabulary notes and explanations, and language review exercises. Learning is reinforced with an extensive set of online quizzes and activities reviewing all the language and vocabulary covered in the course.

English for Negotiations

  • Key points to consider for negotiations
  • Tactical and strategic concerns
  • Vocabulary for describing negotiations
  • Establishing relationships with the other party
  • Starting off the negotiation and setting the agenda
  • Clarifying and evaluating positions
  • Declining an offer while maintaining goodwill
  • Bargaining and trading concessions
  • Restarting talks and overcoming obstacles
  • Closing the deal
Sample MP3 Sample PDF

Members: click a link below to view and download files (right-click to save).

Negotiations eBook
Audio Lesson
Online Quizzes
Complete Set/ZIP
Strategy (Part 1)
Strategy (Part 2)
Building Relationships
Starting Off
Evaluating Positions
Declining an Offer
Restarting Talks
Closing the Deal

Skills 360 – Building a Better Vocabulary (Part 1)

*** Get all the Skills 360 lessons in our free Business English App for iPhone & iPad:
Download from the App Store

Welcome back to the Skills 360 for today’s lesson on how to improve your English vocabulary.

Many students of English have the feeling that they’ve learned pretty much all the grammar they need. Many also feel that they can understand fairly well and speak and write at an acceptable level. But these same people sometimes feel that they’re missing something, and that they say the same things in the same way all the time. In fact, once you’ve reached an intermediate level, vocabulary becomes more important than ever. You need to add more and more words, idioms, and expressions to your stock of language so that you can take the next step up in proficiency. So how can you learn new words? What are the secrets of expanding your vocabulary?

Free Resources: Transcript | Quizzes | PDF Transcript

Download: Podcast MP3

Business English Pod

Learn business English with your favorite business English lessons from Business English Pod!

Business English Pod

With over 75 million lessons delivered since 2006, Business English Pod is the go-to source for Business English lessons, podcasts and mobile apps for intermediate and advanced Business English learners.

Learn English conversation and listening skills, business vocabulary, idioms, and more, with effective business English lessons on everything from meetings, presentations, negotiations to sales, job interviews and finance. Our Business English lessons are designed to help you understand the language that we use to communicate and the reasons why we use it. Our goal is to teach natural and effective English for business.

Our Business English Pod lessons (BEP) include a natural dialog featuring common and effective business English vocabulary, idioms, and phrases. It also includes a clear and complete explanation of the dialog. You will learn what the speakers are saying, why they are saying it, and other ways you can express the same ideas. The PDF transcript and practice exercises will help you understand and remember everything you learn in the podcast.

PDF transcripts for each lesson are available to premium members. Premium members can also access our online quizzes and lesson modules – take a free trial to preview the lesson resources.

Business English Pod publishes a variety of business English lessons for speaking, vocabulary and listening skills. Try Video Vocab to learn business English vocabulary for different business and technical topics. Listen to Skills 360 for advice on everything from using the telephone to high-level negotiations. Tune in to Business English News to learn advanced English vocabulary. And use our core Business English Pod lessons to study business English conversations, English speaking skills, and English vocabulary and idioms.

Our Business English lessons are designed to help you understand the language that we use to communicate and the reasons why we use it. We want our learners to be able to face different business and work situations with confidence in their English abilities.

Business English Pod lessons are carefully created by an expert team of trainers with over 50 years of frontline experience in Business English training. Our developers have worked with some of the world’s leading companies in a variety of fields including engineering, telecommunications, aerospace, financial services, and medicine. We don’t just understand English, we understand how to use English effectively for business.

Learning Process

Business English Pod lessons follow a consistent and effective format. Each podcast begins with an introduction that tells you about the topic and situation for the dialog. Then you hear the dialog, which is a natural and realistic example of a conversation in a common business situation. Then, in the “debrief” section, a teacher reviews each part of the dialog and explains what the speakers are saying, why they are saying it, and other ways to express similar ideas. Finally, in the “practice” section, you have the chance to use the language you learned.

Business English Pod is aimed at intermediate and advanced English learners, with a TOEIC score of between 400 and 700 or CEF B1-C2. However, the lessons are designed to be useful to learners at a variety of levels. Lower and intermediate learners can focus more on language development, and advanced learners can concentrate on skills, fluency, and enhancement of professionalism.

BEP 255 – English for Meetings: Decision-Making Meetings (3)

Business English Meetings - Making Decisions 3

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on decision-making meetings in English.

In business, groups need to be able to come together to make good decisions. And with the right group of people who have the right information and the opportunity to discuss it, there’s a good chance that a decision is going to lead to success. There’s a lot riding on every decision-making meeting, and when that decision is made, it’s important that the team move forward together.

Fortunately, there are skills and techniques that we can learn to make group decision-making work well. In today’s lesson, we’ll look at asking for dissenting opinions, agreeing with reservations, and asking for buy-in. We’ll also look at identifying action items and delegating responsibilities stemming from a decision.

In the dialog, we’ll rejoin a group of people at an engineering company that has been deciding on a new vendor for tech support. Scott has been leading the meeting, while Anne, David, and Kelly have all been contributing their opinions. The group is about to settle on their final choice.

Listening Questions

1. What does Kelly not like about Alamo?
2. What is one of the actions that Scott mentions must be taken after the meeting?
3. What does Scott ask Kelly to do following the meeting?

Premium Members: PDF Transcript | Online Practice | PhraseCast | Lesson Module

Download: Podcast MP3