БЭП 123 – Переговоры: Закрытие сделки

В заключительном эпизоде ​​нашего делового английского сериала о ведение переговоров на английском языке, мы будем смотреть на закрытие сделки.

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Lesson Content: Podcast | Study Notes PDF | Online Quizzes | PhraseCast

12 мысли о «БЭП» 123 – Переговоры: Закрытие сделки”

  1. I do not know the sense of the letters URI.I would like to improve my English,because I am on your portal. Last time I want to answer some questions,but I was not able.I prefere to write,read to listening.When I listen to English speaking people I do not understand- for me it is very quick.I know,I need practise.

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    Regards and thank you.

  3. Привет, I’m new one, but I really enjoy all lessons here. Its very helpful for me. Большое спасибо. By the way, I would like to make friends with everyone, especially the ones working in Marketing field (Brand management). My skype id: tinyriver1988

  4. @Catarina – Спасибо! We’re glad BEP is helpful for you. If you’d like to connect with other business English learners, check out our social networking site at http://www.mybeonline.com. We have several groups there, including one called Study Buddies. You can friend other users and find practice partners there. It’s free to join. Надеюсь увидеть тебя там!

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