БЭП 307 – Английский для управления проектами 2: Стартовая встреча (2)

Деловой английский Pod 307 - Управление проектами английский - Стартовая встреча 2

Добро пожаловать обратно в модуль Business English Pod на сегодняшний урок, which continues our look at a стартовое собрание проекта.

Anyone who’s been involved with projects should know just how important it is to have good communication with a client. And good communication starts right at the beginning, at a project kickoff meeting. That’s when you’ll have the chance to make sure a client understands how you work and how the project should run.

В нашем последнем уроке, we looked at some of the basics that you need to cover in your first project meeting. Сегодня, we’ll look at some more ways of increasing your chances of avoiding problems and ensuring that a project runs smoothly. Во многих случаях, it can be a good idea to actually bring up potential obstacles in your meeting. If you see something that might impact the timeline or the budget, you can let the client know about it. And that might mean that you have to educate the client about your work process.

When you educate a client about your development process, you might find yourself using too much technical language. But if you want the client to really understand, you might have to rephrase that information in simpler terms. Конечно, you don’t want to focus too much on potential problems. And for that reason you should know how to redirect a discussion away from problems and toward other issues. Например, you might need to ask the client for important information to get the project started.

В сегодняшнем диалоге, we’ll rejoin Martin and Jill. Their company, OptiTech, is starting a new project to develop software for a logistics company. Martin and Jill are kicking off the project by holding a teleconference with Zara, the manager of the client company, и Лиам, их ИТ-менеджер. In this part of the dialog, Martin and Jill are making sure Zara and Liam understand potential obstacles and the development process.

Вопросы для прослушивания

1. What does Martin say is the cause of some potential obstacles?
2. What is Jill’s simple explanation of a technical idea that Zara didn’t understand?
3. When Martin redirects the discussion away from obstacles, what does he say he wants to discuss?

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БЭП 306 – Английский для управления проектами 1: Стартовая встреча (1)

Деловой английский Pod 306 - Управление проектами английский - Стартовая встреча

Welcome back to Business English Pod for our new series on Английский для управления проектами. For our first lesson we’re going to look at a kickoff meeting at the start of a project.

Whether or not you’re a project manager, you surely know that every project is a unique and complex process. Seeing a project through to completion, on time and within budget, takes a huge range of people skills and business know-how. And sometimes during a big project it might feel like everything is working against successful completion.

But there are ways to minimize some of these challenges. This is particularly true at the beginning of a project when it’s important to make sure you get off to a good start. Для одной вещи, you’ll need to meet with the client to make sure the ground rules of the project are clear. Иначе, you’ll be dealing with confusion mid-project. Kicking off a project effectively also means outlining protocols, or important procedures, and explaining lines of communication. В конце концов, when a problem or challenge does arise, everyone should know exactly who to talk to and how to make the necessary changes.

The kickoff meeting is also a time for everyone to make their priorities clear. If you are the client and sticking to the timeline is more important than keeping to the budget, you should make that known right from the start. Конечно, there may be competing priorities. And as a project manager, you may have to manage client expectations carefully, which might involve setting some conditions when you agree to something.

В сегодняшнем диалоге, we’ll join Martin and Jill, who work for a software company called OptiTech. Their company is holding a teleconference to kick off a project to develop custom software for a logistics company that will help them manage and track shipments. Martin is the project manager, while Jill is the lead developer. On the call, we’ll also hear from Zara, a manager at the logistics company, и Лиам, их ИТ-менеджер. Все вместе, they are all trying to get the project off to a good start.

Вопросы для прослушивания

1. How does Martin say that Jill should deal with technical issues?
2. What does Zara emphasize as her company’s priority in the project?
3. Near the end of the conversation, what condition does Martin attach to the successful management of the timeline?

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ВВ 53 – Английский словарь для гибкого управления проектами

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В этом уроке, мы посмотрим на словарный запас делового английского языка связанный с гибким управление проектом и Scrum-фреймворк разработки продукта.

Scrum предполагает работу в спринтах., или короткие циклы, быстро разработать продукт. Ключевые роли в Scrum включают Scrum-мастера и владельца продукта., а также продуктовые команды, которые создают продукт, прорабатывая бэклог спринта.

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БЭП 293 – Английские словосочетания для реализации плана (2)

Деловой английский Pod 293 - English Collocations for Discussing How to Implement a Plan 2

Добро пожаловать обратно в модуль Business English Pod на сегодняшний урок Английские словосочетания относится к implementing a plan.

Everyone knows that you have to plan for the future. But many “plans” are only that: they are just plans. But a plan is only useful if it leads to action. Или, as a wise man once said: a plan without action is a dream wasted. In order to not waste that dream, we need to implement the plans we create.

На сегодняшнем уроке, we’ll hear a discussion about how to implement a marketing plan. And you’ll hear lots of common expressions we use when talking about implementation. These expressions are called “collocations,” which just means a set of words that usually go together. Например, have you heard the expression “put something into action?” That’s a common collocation that means “to implement.” We don’t say “make something into action” or “activate something.” It’s always “put something into action.”

You can learn these natural combinations of words used by native speakers. Studying Английские словосочетания will help you sound more natural and expand your active vocabulary. Когда вы слушаете сегодняшний диалог, try to catch some of these collocations, and we’ll go over them later in the debrief.

В диалоге, we’ll rejoin Carlos, Viv, Byron, and Marion, who are discussing how to implement a marketing plan. На последнем уроке, they talked about some of their online marketing activities. Сегодня, they’re going to talk about some other parts of the plan, including the timeline.

Вопросы для прослушивания

1. Why does Carlos mention that Marion is a strong writer?
2. What does Carlos say about the importance of the CRM?
3. What does Viv think about the timeline on the CRM activities?

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БЭП 292 – Английские словосочетания для реализации плана (1)

Деловой английский Pod 292 - Модуль урока

Добро пожаловать обратно в модуль Business English Pod на сегодняшний урок Английские словосочетания related to implementing a plan.

В деле, good planning is important, whether you’re talking about a long-term strategy or a short-term project. But a plan itself means nothing without action. It’s not what you decide to do that matters, but what you actually do. And what you actually do with a plan is called “implementation.” Implementing a plan is all about deciding who will do what, and when they will do it.

В этом уроке, we’ll listen in on a meeting about how to implement a marketing plan. Во время обсуждения, you’ll hear lots of useful expressions that we call “collocations.” A collocation is a natural combination or group of words. Например, I’ve already used the collocation “to implement a plan.” We don’t say “do a plan” or “activate a plan.” The natural expression is “to implement a plan.”

Native speakers use collocations like this automatically, and you can learn to use them as well. Изучая Английские словосочетания, вы улучшите свой словарный запас и станете более бегло говорить. Как вы слушаете диалог, попробуйте выбрать некоторые из этих словосочетаний, и мы обсудим их позже в отчете.

В диалоге, we’ll hear Carlos, Viv, Byron, and Marion. The small company they work for has just had a new marketing plan developed by a consulting company. Now they are meeting to figure out how to implement the plan.

Вопросы для прослушивания

1. Carlos asks for volunteers on one aspect of the plan. What exactly does he want the volunteers to do?
2. As there’s lot to do on the website, what does Byron need to do as the lead?
3. What is Carlos going to do in three weeks time?

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