БЭП 98 – Переговоры: Стратегия переговоров (Часть 1)

This is the beginning of a new Business English Podcast series on the skills and language of negotiating in English.

Over the coming months we’ll explore the topic in a series of podcasts that examine several typical business negotiations and the language used in each stage of the process.

Today’s show is the first in a two-part sequence on the fundamentals of negotiation strategy. We will be hearing an interview with experienced management consultant Brian Fields. Brian discusses key concepts and important strategic considerations. The dialog teaches us both useful vocabulary and helpful skills.

Вопросы для прослушивания

1) What are the top mistakes people make in a negotiation?
2) What is a BATNA, или “best alternative to a negotiated agreement?”
3) What does Brian think about the idea ofwin-win” переговоры

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БЭП 97 – Говоря об экономике

В этом уроке делового английского подкаста, мы будем изучать некоторые фразы и словарный запас, которые вы можете использовать для обсуждения вопросов экономики и экономики, в том числе озвучивание и заверение проблем.

Мы хотели бы выразить сочувствие и поддержку китайской аудитории в связи с недавним землетрясением в Сычуани,И надеюсь, что люди в зоне бедствия смогут оправиться от землетрясения как можно скорее。

Сделка не заключена, контракт не подписан, ни один бизнес не делается только между двумя людьми или двумя компаниями. Все происходит на фоне сетей взаимоотношений на местном, региональный, и глобальные масштабы. Эти отношения цены и производства формируют то, что называется “экономика.” Люди, которые изучают экономику – экономисты – хотел бы отметить, например, что цены на сою в Бразилии могут повлиять на цену мяса в Китае. Это не удивительно, тогда, что любимое занятие деловых людей везде говорит об экономике. Только понимая экономическую среду, в которой мы ведем бизнес, мы можем эффективно работать в нем..

Диалог сегодня проходит в Кендал Маркус, глобальный ритейлер одежды и аксессуаров на рынке. Ритейлер продает товары конечному покупателю; аксессуары такие вещи, как украшения и ремни, которые идут вместе с или “Accessorize” одежда. Во время поездки в Шанхай, Мартин, вице-президент Кендала, посещает Тони Ву, страновой менеджер по Китаю.

Вопросы для прослушивания:

1) Почему Мартин приехал в Китай?
2) Тони с оптимизмом смотрит на экономические перспективы, это будущее, в Китае?
3) Какие проблемы у Мартина??
4) Как Тони успокаивает его?

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БЭП 95 – Коммуникация: Разрешение конфликта (2)

This is the second in a two-part Business English Podcast lesson on resolving conflict, in which we’ve been focusing on solving everyday disagreements in the office. Ben, a new training specialist at a manufacturing company, feels that he is doing an unfair share (то есть, too much) of the work in his department. Gerry, Ben’s manager, talks with him to solve the problem.

В первом эпизоде, we studied how Gerry opened the discussion in an informal, non-threatening way, and we looked at how he listened actively to Ben to win his trust.

В этом эпизоде, we’ll pay attention to how Gerry and Ben work together to come up with a solution. Особенно, we’ll focus on how they state common goals, raise concerns, and agree action.

Там, где мы остановились в прошлый раз, Gerry had just asked a question to resolve the conflict: Gerry wants to know what Ben would suggest doing to fix the situation.

Вопросы для прослушивания

1) What solution does Ben propose?
2) In which area does Ben feel he could make a real contribution?
3) What action do Ben and Gerry agree on?

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БЭП 94 – Коммуникация: Разрешение конфликта (1)

People do not always get along, so dealing with conflict is part of any job. And as often as not, work disagreements get resolved as much as in informal discussions in the hallway, as they do in the conference room. Так, in this two-part series on resolving conflict, we’ll be studying useful language for discussing and resolving disagreements.

We will be focusing not on major conflicts between companies or inside organizations, but rather on the everyday sort of disagreements that all of us have to deal with to be successful in our work.

В прослушивании, Elegant is a company that designs and manufactures bathroom fixturessinks, toilets, и так далее. Ben has recently joined Elegant as a training specialist. When he started, he was promised that Elegant would hire someone to help him with his work-load, but instead he is still doing almost everything by himself. He was also promised the opportunity to do some course design, but instead his manager, Gerry, insists on closely supervising all of Ben’s work. Ben feels like he is working harder than anyone else in the office: He is always the last one to leave the department in the evening. But he doesn’t feel that his hard work is getting recognized.

Как вы слушаете, pay attention to the language that Gerry and Ben use to deal with this disagreement.

Вопросы для прослушивания

1. Gerry says he wants to “sit down informally and thrash things out a little.”
2. What do you think this means? A strain is something that is tiring and, perhaps, irritating.
3. What does Gerry say is “getting to be kind of a strain?” What solution does Gerry propose?

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БЭП 93 – Английский для продаж: Принятие заказа

В этом уроке делового английского, we’ll be focusing on the language of taking an order and discussing standard terms, such as delivery time, payment method, и так далее.

The listening takes us back to the Foxtrot showroom in Las Vegas. As you’ll recall, Foxtrot is the American distributor for Viva, an Italian clothing, or Apparel, manufacturer. Bill is a buyer for a chain of department stores, who has now decided to purchase from Viva. Foxtrot representative Adrianne and her Viva partner, Mario, discuss Bill’s order with him.

Before we get started, it’s important to emphasize that this conversation is not really a negotiation, but rather a situation where most parts of the deal are already agreed to. Так, in this episode, we’ll be studying vocabulary for summarizing the terms of a typical commercial order and learning phrases for managing customer-vendor relationships, for example by reassuring the customer to build goodwill.

Вопросы для прослушивания

1) When he says, “We operate on a narrow window for deliveries,” what does Bill mean?
2) The term chargeback refers to all or part of a fee being refunded, or returned, to the buyer. For what situation is Bill quitestrict on chargebacks?”
3) When would Bill like the first delivery to be made, и почему?

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