БЭП 54 – Обслуживание клиентов: Рассмотрение жалоб 2: Разрешение жалобы

This is the second in a two-part Business English Podcast series on handling angry customers on the telephone. In today’s show we’ll be looking at how to resolve the customer’s complaint.

First a quick review: In part one we learned the first three steps for calming down angry customers and dealing with their complaints: Первый, we need to acknowledge their emotions by showing empathy. Second, we should identify the background to their problem so that we can take the right steps to fix it. And third, we should listen actively to show them that we care.

Там, где мы остановились в прошлый раз, Сэнди, a service associate at the front desk of the Majestic Hotel, had just finished identifying Steve’s problem. Let’s continue listening to see how Sandy resolves the complaint.

Вопросы для прослушивания

1) How does Sandy show that he is actively listening to Steve?
2) What does Steve need?
3) What steps does Sandy take to ensure that Steve is satisfied with the outcome of the call?

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БЭП 53 – Обслуживание клиентов: Рассмотрение жалоб 1: Сопереживание

Good customer service is essential to success in any industry, but it is particularly important in the service and hospitality sector. “Hospitalitymeans treating guests well; and here, we’re talking specifically about hotels. Because service is so vital to hospitality, hotels are a good place to look for excellent service practices.

So today we’ll be listening in on a phone call from an angry customer at the Majestic, a five-star hotel in Shanghai. By listening to a bad example and a good example of service practice, we’ll be studying skills that are useful in any industry, no matter whether you are dealing with internal or external customers.

We’ll see that a very important part of handling angry customers is showing empathy: Empathy is similar to sympathyit means showing that you understand the customer’s pain.

Вопросы для прослушивания

Плохой пример:
1) How does the customer, Steve, learn the service associate’s name?
2) What is Steve’s problem?
3) How could Jenna have handled the complaint better?

Хороший пример:
1) When Steve says, “I’m at the end of my rope,” what does he mean?
2) What does Sandy do to calm Steve down?

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БЭП 23 – Телефонирование: Обращение с трудным клиентом

Новая версия этого урока доступна здесь.: BEP 23c – Телефонный английский: Начало действия

В недавнем деловом английском подкасте (БЭП 22), мы смотрели на то, как решать технические проблемы, когда разговаривали по телефону на английском. Сегодня, мы поговорим о том, как справляться с проблемами с абонентом, с которыми, конечно, гораздо сложнее справиться! Но, с правильным языком и фразами, Вы можете показать звонящему, что вы хотите помочь, и заверить их, что вы можете помочь решить проблему.

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