БЭП 152 – Сообщать плохие новости: Увольнения (Часть 2)

This is the second of a two-part Business English Pod series on giving bad news and and discussing layoffs.

When employees are laid off, they usually have questions about what will happen next. When is their last day? What support can they expect? And what about a severance package? This compensation package often includes both money and some extension of benefits, but varies from company to company or even from employee to employee.

В этом уроке, we’ll cover language you can use after an employee has been notified of a layoff. We’ll go over ways to explain what will happen next and how to explain a severance package. We’ll also talk about ways to show empathy and offer support to a laid-off employee.

В последнем эпизоде, we met Angela, a manager at a resort and David, the head chef at Zapata’s, a restaurant at the resort that is closing. Angela has told David that he will be laid off. Now they’ll discuss the details.

Вопросы для прослушивания

1. Name two parts of David’s severance package.
2. What will happen to David’s health insurance?
3. How does Angela offer to help David in his job search?

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БЭП 151 – Сообщать плохие новости: Увольнения (Часть 1)

This is the first of a two-part Business English Pod series on giving bad news and layoffs.

If a person getslaid off”, it means they will lose their job. But it’s not the same as being fired. Layoffs usually occur because of outside forces. A poor economy might cause a company to reduce its staff. Or changes in the industry may make some types of jobs unnecessary. After a merger, there might be redundancies, or duplicates. Two people may be doing the same type of job. If the company only needs one person in that position, the other could be laid off.

Nobody likes giving bad news. And a conversation about layoffs can become awkward and emotional. Итак, на этом уроке, we’ll talk about ways to prepare an employee for bad news so that you can soften the shock. We’ll also cover ways to get to the point and how to respond to an angry or emotional employee. в заключение, we’ll go over some language to clearly explain the reasons for a layoff.

Angela and David work at a hotel resort that is having some financial difficulties. Angela is a manager and David is the head chef at Zapata’s, one of the resort’s restaurants. К сожалению, Angela has to tell David he’s being laid off.

Вопросы для прослушивания

1. Why has management decided to close 2 restaurants?
2. What type of food does Zapata’s serve?
3. конкретно, why is Zapata’s closing?

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БЭП 150 – Работа в мультикультурных командах (Часть 2)

Это вторая из двух частей серии модулей Business English Pod, посвященных работе в мультикультурных командах..

Эти дни, работа с людьми разных культур довольно распространена. Возможно, вы встречаетесь с коллегами из другой страны или на другом континенте.. Деловая практика различается во всем мире. Некоторые культуры более формальны, чем другие.. У некоторых есть особые обычаи в отношении приветствий., гендерные роли, и еда. Поэтому полезно узнать как можно больше о других бизнес-культурах, прежде чем встретиться со своей командой..

Но даже если вы тщательно провели исследование, проблемы все равно могут возникнуть, особенно при личных встречах. Могут быть недопонимания, моменты, требующие уточнения, и разные представления о том, что приемлемо в бизнес-среде.

Сегодня, мы рассмотрим такие вопросы, как сленг и идиомы, понятия времени, формы обращения, и недоразумения из-за культуры. Мы также обсудим начало взаимодействия и объясним различные деловые обычаи..

В последнем эпизоде, мы встретили Цао Мина, менеджера транснациональной компании из США.. Родом из Китая, Минг много лет работал в Нью-Йорке, а сейчас направляется в Бразилию, где возглавит исследовательскую группу.. Перед отъездом он немного прочитал и обсудил бразильскую культуру с коллегой.. Сейчас, он возглавляет свою первую встречу со своей новой бразильской командой.

Вопросы для прослушивания

1. Какие две идиомы нужно объяснить Мину??
2. Какое предложение делает Карла в начале встречи??
3. Почему Фелипе неправильно произносит имя Минг?

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БЭП 149 – Работа в мультикультурных командах (Часть 1)

This is the first in a two-part Business English Pod series on working in multicultural teams.

В современном мире, it’s common to work with people from different cultures. And since effective business depends on clear communication, it’s important to consider different aspects of culture. Your colleagues may do business differently than you do. Так, knowing more about intercultural communication can help your work go more smoothly and avoid any misunderstandings.

В этом эпизоде, we’ll go over some points to consider for working in a multicultural team. We’ll look at general business culture, specific business customs, levels of formality, and local cultural awareness. And since food is often served in business settings, we’ll talk about that, too.

We’ll be listening to, a manager at a biotechnology company based in the United States. Although Ming is originally from China, he has worked for many years at the head office in New York and is now heading to Brazil to manage a team of international researchers. В этом эпизоде, Ming is preparing for his trip by talking to a colleague, Tanya, who lived and worked in Brazil for 3 годы.

Вопросы для прослушивания:

1. What has Ming heard about Curitiba?
2. What does Tanya say about relationships in Brazil?
3. What honorary title does Ming ask about?

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БЭП 148 – Как просить о повышении зарплаты (2)

Это вторая из двух частей Business English Pod series on how to ask for a pay raise.

Asking for a pay raise is a two-step process. Before any discussion of compensation begins, it’s important to state your case and demonstrate why you deserve a raise. Let your boss know of your achievements and your value to the company.

The second part involves negotiating. This is the time to start talking about specific numbers and benefits, but it must be handled diplomatically. You’ll need to outline what you want, acknowledge the other party’s concerns and bargain for the best deal.

В последнем эпизоде, we listened to Ryan, a salesman at an industrial supply company called Pylon, present his case to his boss, Jacob. Ryan pointed out that his relationship with Alliance Builders brought in more sales overall. He also took on some web design work in addition to his sales duties. Сейчас, Ryan and Jacob are ready to start negotiating Ryan’s compensation.

Вопросы для прослушивания

1. How much does Ryan think he should receive for the web design work? Why?
2. Why can’t Jacob give Ryan the amount of money he wants?
3. What do Jacob and Ryan agree to in regard to Alliance Builders?

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