БЭП 347 – Английские словосочетания для продаж (Часть 2)

BEP 347 - Business English Collocations for Sales 2)

Добро пожаловать обратно в модуль Business English Pod на сегодняшний урок Английские словосочетания for talking about sales.

Продажи has never been tougher. In the digital age, competition for people’s attention is fierce. And customers are armed with more knowledge than ever before. По этим причинам, companies can’t get lazy about their approach to sales. They need to be strategic; they have to find new ways to manage customer relationships, and they need effective ways to track how they’re doing.

В этом уроке, we’ll listen to a pharmaceutical sales team discuss new strategies to improve and track their performance. В их обсуждении, you’ll hear a lot of what we call collocations. Collocations are just groups of words that combine naturally. Например, if you want to say that someone finishes making a sale, you can say that hecloses a sale.Everyone uses that verbclose.Nobody saysshuta sale ordoa sale. The correct collocation isclose a sale.

Native speakers learn and use these collocations naturally. And if you want to improve your vocabulary and sound more fluent, you can learn to use them too. Как вы слушаете диалог, попробуйте выбрать некоторые из этих словосочетаний, и мы обсудим их позже в отчете.

В диалоге, we’ll listen to a discussion between Fran, Гас, и ник. В нашем последнем уроке, the team discussed the need to improve their company’s sales. Now they’re talking about ways to do that. Во время их обсуждения, они используют много Английские словосочетания связанные с продажами.

Вопросы для прослушивания

1. What does Nick think his colleague Dennis is doing wrong?
2. What does Nick believe is an outdated way of measuring their success?
3. What does Nick believe will happen if they improve their performance metrics?

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